--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:
> Barry takes authenticity and honesty, or their lack, as 
> tools for  manipulating responses from others on here. 
> That is his entire game; using his writing skills to 
> plant emotional triggers in his posts calculated to 
> set others off. 
> He doesn't care if he said the exact opposite the day 
> before, or makes stuff up. Its all about Hah - you 
> flinched! That's it, and that's all there is.

If that were true, and two of the historical criteria
of being either enlightened or "more highly evolved"
and close to enlightenment are non-attachment and the
ability to have external events have as little effect
on them as a "line drawn on water," what in your view
does "flinching" say about those who do it on a regular

You came up with the description of me. You're one of
the biggest "flinchers" on this forum. Now explain 
how your characterization of me, if true, reflects
positively on you and the other over-reactors.

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