oh, oh!
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> From: Yahoo! Copyright [mailto:copyright@...] 
> Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 4:32 PM
> To: rick@...
> Subject: Notice of Infringement
> Importance: High
> RE: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife 
> Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc's agent has notified Yahoo! Inc. ("Yahoo!") in
> compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") that you have
> submitted to the Yahoo! Group FairfieldLife copyrighted material which is
> proprietary to Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc. Maharishi Foundation USA,
> Inc's agent has further notified Yahoo! that you are not authorized to use
> the material in question at:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/239106?var=1 
> "Here is the "proof"- Message to Governors from Bevan"
> Yahoo! respects the rights of both its users and the owners, and rights
> holders of intellectual property. In compliance with the Digital Millennium
> Copyright Act and/or other applicable federal law, Yahoo! has removed and/or
> disabled access to the copyrighted material in question. 
> As you know, Yahoo! may terminate any and/or all services and accounts
> without notice. Without waiving or limiting any rights or remedies Yahoo!
> has or may have, you are hereby advised that our receipt of another
> notification alleging the unauthorized posting by you of another party's
> intellectual property in connection with any Yahoo! service may result in
> not only the suspension of all Yahoo! Groups for which you are the
> designated owner, but the termination of all of your Yahoo! services as well
> as the deactivation of your Yahoo! ID. 
> If you wish to attempt to resolve the matter by dealing with Maharishi
> Foundation USA, Inc's agent directly, Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc's agent
> may be contacted at:
>             Email: jrs@... 
> If you believe that you were designated by Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc's
> agent by mistake or misidentification, or if you believe that you have not
> infringed the copyrights of Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc, you may submit a
> sworn counter-notification as to the mistake or misidentification. To be
> effective, counter-notifications must be in writing and include: 
> 1.    Identification of the material that has been removed or to which
> access has been disabled, including the location at which the material
> appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;
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> belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or
> misidentification;
> 3.    Your name, address and telephone number, and a statement that you
> consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial
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> jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for any judicial district in
> which Yahoo! may be found), and that you will accept service of process from
> the complaining party or its agent; and
> 4.    Your physical or electronic signature on the counter-notification.
> Any counter-notification must be submitted to Yahoo!'s Copyright Agent in
> accordance with the contact information provided below, which is also
> available at:
>    http://info.yahoo.com/copyright/details.html   
> Please be advised that Yahoo! will provide a copy of such a
> counter-notification (including your name, address, telephone number and any
> other contact information provided) to Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc's
> agent. 
> Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. 
> Regards,
> Copyright/IP Agent, Yahoo! Inc. 
> copyright@... 
> ****************************
> c/o Yahoo! Inc.
> 701 First Ave.
> Sunnyvale, CA 94089

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