
Thank you for continuing to provide the record of actual exchanges. I prefer to 
stay as far away from Turq, as he had origionally agreed, as possible.

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Dan's description above oversimplifies it>
> > > 
> > > From what I've read I think the correct word is misrepresented, 
> > > not simplified.  Barry didn't "get a hold of his wife's email" 
> > > and go after her.
> > > 
> > > I call bullshit.
> > 
> > And "piled onto" bullshit. Dan misrepresented, and
> > so did Judy. Par for the course.
> Neither of us misrepresented anything. Barry has,
> though.
> > Dan was screaming about people being able to post
> > anonymously here. He didn't like this much, and HE
> > wanted to "out" them. Everybody pretty much told 
> > him to stick a sock in it, and pointed out the 
> > legitimate reasons for allowing anonymous posting.
> > Then, at the height of all of this tempest in a 
> > pisspot, Dan posted to FFL using a different ID.
> No, he didn't. He addressed a post to FFL, but it went
> to Barry as a private email because Dan used his wife's
> account, and she wasn't logged into Yahoo. What Dan
> wrote never appeared on FFL.
> > I pointed this out, and wondered aloud whether
> > Mr. No-one-should-be-able-to-post-under-a-false-ID
> > might in fact be doing so himself. I sent a copy
> > of my post to the email address.
> No, first Barry emailed "myra k." Then he posted a
> copy of what he had sent her to FFL (see my previous
> post).
> > It turned out that Dan was too stupid to notice that
> > he was posting under his wife's ID and not his own.
> No, he knew he was using his wife's account, but he
> assumed if he addressed the post to FFL, it would
> appear there. Barry stupidly accused him of lying but
> was quickly corrected by Alex and blusc0ut.
> Barry won't tell you what really happened, but it's easy
> enough to find out. Go here and just read the posts in
> the thread:
> n+the+%22danfriedman%22+debacle&SM=contains&pos=0&cnt=10

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