--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> This latest round of TMers claiming that they have been
> personally insulted by someone criticizing or making fun
> of their teacher or their path has caused me to think 
> back to my time in the TM movement. Those memories are
> full of people -- my fellow TM teachers -- making all
> *sorts* of jokes about and poking fun at Maharishi, TM,
> the hours we spent on "program," our completely artificial
> way of speaking in SIMS-speak and, most of all, ourselves.
> People back then weren't so *touchy*. We had senses of
> humor. We could *laugh* about ourselves, and the silly
> thing we'd gotten ourselves involved with. 
> So WTF happened?
> So WTF happened? If you have theories other than my
> "stayed too long at the party" theory, I'd love to
> hear them.

This group group is hardly representative of the TM population living in 
Fairfield, IA, letalone the TM population worldwide.

Anyone who stays on a group like this has issues with TM, one way or the other.


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