--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "johnt" <johnlasher20002000@...> wrote:
> Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping scandal, but 
> now they have writers suggesting the elimination of the elderly and disabled 
> through cutting their medical insurance. This article was published by Market 
> watch, which is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 
> Unbelievable!!!
> This is NOT a satire (read the authors face book) as some claim the time to 
> do something is now. Send copies of this to your congressmen especially 
> Republicans. Send copies to everyone you know to prevent this way of 
> thinking. Remember the main stream media won't publish it, especially fox 
> News which Murdoch owns. 
> Finally someone publicly voiced how the ultra-rightwing of the GOP feels 
> about the elderly and disabled... the least among us!
> http://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-the-us-could-use-a-strategic-default-2011-07-14
> "First they came for someone I did not know... then they came for my 
> neighbors...   THEN THEY CAME FOR ME". 
> This is an article by Jeff Reeves for market watch. It shows the mentality of 
> him towards seniors. Word of this and hime should be sent far and widwide and 
> Market Watch should be contacted and all sponsors boycotted.
> JEFF REEVES Archives | Email alerts
> July 14, 2011, 12:00 p.m. EDT
> ROCKVILLE, Md. (Marketwatch)
> Take Medicare, one of the biggest causes of our current budget trouble. If we 
> slash spending dramatically, we will not only eliminate one of the biggest 
> drains on the U.S. Treasury, but we will also fix the nagging demographic 
> problem caused by the baby boomers living longer and clogging Social Security 
> rolls.
> Without health care, surely few of our seniors will survive into old age. 
> This will dramatically reduce both future Medicare and Social Security 
> payouts.
> These socialist programs are part of the problem. It's time to make them part 
> of the solution.

End the wars. Plan and simple. No buts about it. You baby boomers are screwed, 
otherwise. Sorry to say. I know nothin.

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