Yes, Judy understands this, and, I'm sure, she's right about: Also possible 
they don't approve of Mark making money for his personal use from the sale of 
of the sandals.  for many of them.

But again, prior to my emailing FFL, perhaps only 5-7 potential buyers knew.  
From the sounds of it, so far, that number probably hasn't increased...

On Jul 19, 2011, at 9:06 AM, authfriend wrote:

> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@...> wrote:
> >
> > Sure, Judy, you're correct, FOR NOW, but the number of
> > devotees is seemingly dwindling alarmingly, and I say,
> > "get a good price while the gettin's good." 
> > 
> > Twenty years from now, when all the rich folks have been
> > fleeced so many times that there's no sucker left to rip
> > off, these sandals will be in some lonely box of a
> > devotee in the back of a closet
> If the devotee is still a devotee, they won't be in
> a box in the back of a closet.
> > that will only be cleaned out upon the death of the owner
> > and then tossed in the trash in a box labeled "some TM
> > shit Dad had."
> Again, if the devotee was a devotee until s/he died,
> the family will know how much s/he valued the sandals,
> and why, even if they don't feel the same way. If they
> have any respect for the deceased, they'll most likely
> donate the sandals to the movement.
> > I have just such a collection of TM memorabilia, and I'll
> > bet you do too. I fully expect my stuff to be tossed out
> > when I die. In fact, I've already tossed out most of it.
> Sure, I have a box of stuff. Still have my initiation
> hankie. But none of it would ever have been of any
> conceivable value (except maybe some of the ephemera
> from a historical perspective) to anybody else.
> The sandals aren't just "memorabilia." That's what some
> folks here don't seem to grasp. They're sacred relics,
> as I suggested. Jeez, there are Hindu *hymns* to the
> sandals of the guru. Guru Dev's sandals are enshrined
> on an altar (at Jyotir Math? not sure). MMY dedicated
> his Gita translation to "the lotus feet of Guru Deva..."
> To the devotee, MMY's just a rung down from Guru Dev.
> His sandals were in contact with his own "lotus feet"
> for many years. According to Mark, they're still infused
> with his energy.
> I'm not a devotee and I'm not rich, but if I were both,
> I could see myself shelling out a six-figure sum for
> the sandals.
> > The scandals (plural) winnow out the rich folks, and I don't
> > see new true believers being produced at the rate of the
> > dying off of the true believers extant. The less believers
> > the lower the price of the sandals. 
> Sure, if and when all the devotees die off, including in
> the TMO, the sandals will become no more than mildly
> interesting collectibles. But the sandals aren't going
> to lose value *to* devotees just because there are fewer
> of them.
> > But one thing's interesting me: why hasn't the movement's
> > Rajas already purchased these sandals? Seems to me either
> > there's a ton of sandals out there on the market already or
> > the Rajas are showing that they are not really buying into
> > the sacredness of the sandals -- or they haven't heard about
> > the sandals. Which, if any, is the case?
> Suspect they haven't heard. There surely aren't "a ton of
> sandals" out there--MMY wore these for many years, if you
> read Mark's story.
> Also possible they don't approve of Mark making money for
> his personal use from the sale of the sandals.

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