--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "danfriedman2002" <danfriedman2002@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Curtis,
> > 
> > In reply to your first paragraph:  You are not "seconding 
> > the motion", but rather introducing your own "motion", as 
> > your charactarization of my suggestion as "outing of people 
> > against their will" is incorrect.
> How is it "incorrect?" That is EXACTLY what you
> are asking for, and have been asking since you
> descended upon this forum.
> > Your other 4 paragraphs devolve further. I interpret them 
> > to be support for your critisism of my suggestion, which 
> > you mischaracterized anyway (see above).
> IMHO, Curtis didn't mischaracterize your intent in any way.
> You made your intent very clear. You want to know the names
> of people who post on this forum.

A little clarification here, since of course we can't
expect Barry to do anything but attempt to confuse the

Dan has been very clear that what he doesn't like is
Rick's posting of anonymous emails from nonmembers. I
don't recall Dan complaining about members using handles.
As Nabby just pointed out, the difference is that members
who use handles tend to have an ongoing presence on the
forum and to respond to comments and questions; and they
therefore have some ostensible accountability for what
they post, unlike the anonymous writers of the emails
Rick posts.

 So far, you have only
> wanted to know the names of the people whose ideas you
> disagree with. I leave it up to the conspiracy theorists
> here to determine the "why" of this.

No conspiracy theory required. The vast majority of
emails from nonmembers that Rick posts anonymously 
involve ideas Dan disagrees with. I can't remember the
last anonymous email posted by Rick that was positive
about TM/MMY/the TMO. So this remark from Barry is
disingenuous as well.

> When you first appeared here, I took you to task for this
> 'tude, and do so again. When you first went all drama queen
> on having your Holy Opinion questioned, you pitched a hissy
> fit and demanded that I stop referencing you on this forum.
> I did so. I neither mentioned you nor referred to you in
> any post since February. And then, out of the blue, you
> come barging in and run the same number all over again,
> upbraiding me for "speaking your name in vain."

This is false, and Barry knows it. Dan had been having
conversations with others here since June 23 that had
nothing to do with Barry; he did not just "come barging
in out of the blue" and demand that Barry stop using his
name. And by the time Dan did address Barry on this 
issue, Barry *had* been referring to Dan, using his name.

What happened was that on July 11, Dan made an offhand
reference to the unpleasant episode involving Barry from
January, without mentioning Barry's name. Curtis wanted
to know who the perp was, and I posted message numbers
from the archives for the January episode. Curtis read
the posts and then accused Dan of having misrepresented
the episode.

Then *Barry* "barged in" and piled on to Curtis's
accusation, using Dan's name, and himself misrepresented
the episode. That's the point at which Dan "upbraided"
Barry for using his name after promising not to do so.

(To be fair to Barry, he could hardly participate in the
discussion about the January episode in which he had
been involved without mentioning Dan's name. On the
other hand, Dan had not used Barry's name, as noted,
when he mentioned the episode and was not participating
in the discussion about it, which was primarily between
Curtis and me until Barry got involved.)

For the record, I don't have any objection to Rick
posting the anonymous emails, although I understand Dan's
gripe about them and think he had a perfect right to
bring it up and make his point. I also think, however,
that Dan's point has been more than made, and if I were
Dan, I'd back off. Rick isn't going to change his policy
based on Dan's complaint, and that's *Rick's* right.

But I don't feel the need to demonize Dan about this as
Barry does. And I think if Barry finds the temptation
to demonize him irresistible, he at least ought to
refrain from *misrepresenting* what Dan has done and
said, as he has in this post and several others.

This is my 50th for the week. See you in a few days.

> Get The Fuck Over Yourself. 
> Neither you nor your opinions of How Fairfield Life Should
> Be Run are terribly of interest to me. I suspect I'm not
> alone in this, and that most on this forum -- judging from
> their lack of "piling on" to your adolescent demands -- 
> probably agree with me. What makes this forum special, and
> of value to those who appreciate it, is exactly the thing
> that you seem to find most threatening.
> People can come onto this forum and speak their minds. They
> can do so using their legal names or using an alias. If one
> of them isn't a member and chooses to send something to Rick
> to repost anonymously, they have the right to do so, and
> he respects that right.
> YOU want to "out" them. Don't you think that's more than a
> little sick, and straying over the line into spiritual
> fascism? I do. 
> And now I'll go back to what I was successfully doing before
> YOU dragged me back into this -- ignoring your silly ass. 
> I suggest you do the same thing with me, and with other
> perfectly legitimate opinions expressed here, whether you
> agree with them or not.

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