But Richard, you have been vehemently defending secretive posting, and 
defending the practice by stating that that Rick and Curtice are resiting 

What's up with that? What a tangle we weave with all these secrets.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardjwilliamstexas" <willytex@...> 
> danfriedman:
> > In reply to your first paragraph:  You are not "seconding
> > the motion", but rather introducing your own "motion", as 
> > your charactarization of my suggestion as "outing of people 
> > against their will" is incorrect...
> > 
> You do know that Rick and Curtis and a few others 
> were leaders in the TM cult movement - I don't know 
> the exact hierarchy these folks claim, but at one time 
> it was apparently very influential, to hear them talk 
> about it. 
> You need to be aware of the fact that for the most 
> part, we are dealing with TM Teachers on this forum, 
> Dan, and it is by their training to be very secretive 
> about all their activities that are TM-related. 
> One of the moderators' brother is a TM Raja, but he 
> won't talk much about it or answer any questions about 
> what happened to all the money. Can you believe that?
> There are only a few rank-and-file TMers on this list.
> But, apparently there are over a dozen or more simple 
> lurkers. Go figure.
> In fact, you could characterize this forum as a site 
> for TMO informants, who are supposed to be doing the 
> informing, with news about the comings-and-goings of 
> MMY, but he's dead, so in reality, most of the dialog
> is just mostly speculation about what's going on with
> the TM Movement, or what houses are for sale up in
> Vedic City.
> It's been my experience that only insiders know what's
> going on in the TMO - and none are respondents on this
> forum. You're not going to get very much discussion
> about the 'mechanics of consciousness' here, Dan, 
> except for maybe Lawson or Judy.
> > Your other 4 paragraphs devolve further. I interpret 
> > them to be support for your critisism of my suggestion, 
> > which you mischaracterized anyway (see above).
> > 
> > > I just want to second the motion for more restrictions 
> > > on posters here and more outing of people against 
> > > their will.  Our need to know who is posting is much 
> > > more important than their privacy.  
> > > 
> > > Also I would like to see a lot less of posters using 
> > > passive construction in their writing.  We need MORE 
> > > action verbs, not less.  Any chance you can include 
> > > that demand in your new rules?
> > > 
> > > And (last thing) how about a total ban on anyone 
> > > referring to Guru Dev as "that homeless guy who hit 
> > > the lottery."  It is offensive to dwelling impaired 
> > > Americans. 
> > > 
> > > Oh yeah (seriously, last thing) and I'm getting a 
> > > little sick of the phrase UFO when we know damn well 
> > > who these aliens are and where they are from. (I'm 
> > > talking to you El Salvador)
> > > 
> > > Oops (I promise last last last) If you wouldn't mind, 
> > > I would like to see a shot of female posters in a wet 
> > > T-shirt.  Not to be sexist but in the spirit of the 
> > > fullest possible dis-clothes-her.
> > >

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