sorry you'r right Pierre Athanase Marie Plantard  was , dies February 3,
2000, French!
How may I recompense? Will the fo(o)llowing  news cheers you up?hope
so--here it comes :
King Dagobert is still alive!
  and his bio can be read in all German speaking countries under his real

In the USA he is under  disguise and called  himself  Scrooge McDuck or
Uncle Scrooge , nickname Scroogey,-biographer is Carl Barks
and "behind" him is Walt Disney---who else (see D.Brown)

--- In, "PaliGap" <compost1uk@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > I've read HBHG, I've read a great deal about that area
> > and its spiritual traditions, and I've actually been
> > to Rennes-Le-Chateau.
> >
> > HBHG is laughed at by real historians, and its authors
> > considered charlatans of the highest order. One of the
> > reasons people so dumped on Dan Brown for the Da Vinci
> > Code book is that they simply couldn't believe he would
> > rip off something that was already a ripoff, and a
> > discredited one. :-)
> >
> > The legend itself, as far as I can tell from what real
> > scholars have said -- combined with my own intuition
> > and the "feel" of having been there and meditated
> > there -- is that the original story of the priest in
> > question magically making money appear was a hoax,
> > funded by those who wanted to turn their sleepy and
> > above all poor village into a place of pilgrimage,
> > and thus profit from the pilgrims. I am far from
> > alone in this belief.
> Ah, yes a little Googling reveals that that HBHG was
> inspired by a book that involved a monsieur Pierre
> Plantard:
> "Plantard was influenced by the story of hotelier Noël
> Corbu, who, in order to promote his isolated restaurant,
> started claiming in 1956 that a treasure had been discovered
> in the area of Rennes-le-Château by a previous occupant
> of his property, Father Bérenger Saunière, whilst renovating
> his church in 1891"
> Those perfidious French!

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