--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:58 AM, RoryGoff wrote:
> > As to your infrared-ultraviolet query, it appears Kundalini will generally 
> > throw out ALL of our old junk as she is housecleaning from basement to 
> > attic (and back); this can feel like a personal assault if we are attached 
> > to any of it...and we usually are :-)
> > 
> Yes, I understand this but was hoping for an explication of your original 
> reference to infrared and ultraviolet.  I just tried to find it, both in my 
> saved posts and on the FFL website, but, for some reason, couldn't.  If I 
> remember right you were associating them with two of the Vedic Gods as they 
> fit into your model in a way I didn't understand.  Could you run that by me 
> again?  Not sure why I want it, but, if you will, humor me.

* * I believe Ravi brought up the ultra-violated joke, in response to Jim's 
suggesting you had been X-Rayed. So I just brought up the other end of the 
spectrum with infra-rediwhipped. 

Perhaps you are referring to an earlier post where I suggested that 
traditionally Indra-Vishnu (or his avatar, Krishna) is Sattva, the blue-shifted 
end of the spectrum, while Rudra is the Tamas, the red-shifted end, with Brahma 
ruling as Rajas, the gold sphere-and-disk at the middle, the visible universe. 

However, this outwardly makes Rudra the slowest-vibrating end, which correlates 
with our exoteric conventional understanding of Tamas as being the resistance 
of inert matter, but not really with our inward understanding of genuine Tamas 
as being Shiva's centripetal energy-HA! of dissolution. 

Again, it appears to be a matter of viewpoint -- the inner-reality's Vishnu is 
the outer-reality's Shiva, and vice-versa.

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