Not on this.  I saw his anger in two modes, while he was devastating people and 
kicking them out, me included, so I have this experience from the inside, and 
in a group when he got pissed for whatever reason.  Was anyone in the hotel in 
Mallorca II where he busted everyone for sharing techniques?  Mike Dixon says 
that bottles shattered.

All I can say is that, in the group context, it felt like he cracked the 
atmosphere with the power of it.  It was astonishing and exhilarating.  In the 
individual context, as witness, it was sickening, as recipient, it was 

But I'll give you a different kind to make up for it.

M definitely had siddhis.  One thing he could do was put folks in a trance, 
blank out their conscious awareness, selectively disconnect their body from 
mind.  He did this to me once and I came to in the middle, so I know this from 
the inside as well.  As below, he seemingly could do this from a distance with 
nearly anyone.

We were driving at night in Germany, late, trying to catch a ferry.  I think 
the world knows how punctual the Germans are about such things.  As was his 
wont, he would give me a little hand signal when I could speed through a red 
light with impunity.  (He could send his awareness out and scope out the 
intersection ahead for incoming cars and/or policemen.)  When he didn't signal, 
I stopped for the light.

We drove on into the night as the ferry's departure time came and went, and on 
we kept, I would say, for about fifteen minutes, though it may have been less.

When we arrived at the dock, the ferry was there, with all it's lights on.  As 
we drove the car down the ramp I could see the captain, standing near the ramp, 
with three of his crew surrounding him, looking bemused, slightly amazed, 
perhaps concerned and wondering.  In the next instant, the captain came to, 
looked around, nodded, grunted and headed for the pilot's cabin so the ferry 
could depart.

On Aug 2, 2011, at 9:44 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

> --- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, the life force in pure anger can be stunning, joyous and thrilling. It 
> > was quite a show when it came from M, like Indra's thunderbolt.
> I guess I mostly saw the other side.  Your stories are always enjoyable and 
> insightful.  And instances that stand out on this?

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