So, there he was, at the White House,
Stunned by the actualty, that 'They[s] would actually take the:
World Economy into the Toilet...
They were actually willing, in a 'Religious Way'...
To, 'prove' a 'black man' couldn't rule, 'them'...
'They'  put an 'Inhuman Face' on the 'Entity[s] which they 'humbly' 
'They 'hide' behind the 'Notion that they are Chrisitian's...
When they clearly follow the 'Dictates of the Evil One'...
'They 'Continue to Support the Military's Huge Budget, and Oil Profits gone 
'We the People; we are beginning to see 'it' for what it is...
Thank you President Obama, 
For preventing a world crash of the economy's...
To show that we are:  'All Connected!'
And no matter how often we here the cold and calculating 'Donald Trum'...
Braggs of what he so effortlessly rips off, in his dark and cold, secretive 
Need I say more>?

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