 From: i...@nationalteapartyalert.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 8/2/2011  3:00:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Olympia Snowe Lied to Us

Please  read this special message from our friend, Scott  D'Amboise.

Dear William,

Just 25 days ago, Republican  Senator Olympia Snowe told us she would vote 
for a debt plan with a  balanced budget amendment.

 However, today Snowe betrayed us by  voting with 
the Democrats for a debt deal that gives President Obama a  blank check in 
exchange for only token spending cuts and no  promise for a balanced budget 

Snowe again demonstrated  that her talk is cheap and that she’ll always be 
a  guaranteed vote for Democrats in the U.S. Senate. We are not the idiots  
Olympia Snowe believes us to be.

_Stand with me today to tell Snowe that she cannot lie to  us and get away 
with it_ 

Her campaign tries to claim that she’s a  conservative, yet Snowe is ranked 
as the most liberal  Republican member of the U.S. Senate. We need to show 
Senator  Snowe that we will hold her to her word.

Sen. Snowe is a reckless  spending politician who has wasted taxpayer money 
by helping pass the  Stimulus, the Bailouts, and even Cash for Clunkers!

This vote for  Obama’s debt ceiling increase allows the federal government 
to continue  to waste taxpayer money on more failed government projects. 
_Will you stand up to her today by sending me a  contribution of $100 or 
whatever you can afford?_ 

Republicans are the only ones who will  stand up to President Obama on 
government spending. However, Olympia  Snowe has shown time and again she is a 
rubberstamp for Harry  Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. She is willing to 
back  higher taxes, new spending, and has voted 9 times to raise the  debt 

_Join me in telling Olympia Snowe that she cannot lie to us  and get away 
with it_ 


Scott  D'Amboise
Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate  
P.S.  Olympia Snowe told us she’d vote for a debt plan with a balanced 
budget  amendment. However, today she voted with Democrats for a deal that 
 Obama a blank check in exchange for only token cuts and no balanced  
budget amendment! _Click here to stand with me today_ 
 (http://www.nationalteapartyalert.com/) This  message was intended for: 
_wleed3@aol.com_ (mailto:wle...@aol.com)  
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