You mean the interstellar lizards and the grey dwarfs run the banks?
Aren't they the just UFO-New Age-SciFi equivalent of Satan's demons?

Can't we just pray to Jesus and be forgiven?


--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> On 08/03/2011 10:08 AM, emptybill wrote:
> > Europe on Brink of 'Major Financial Collapse': Guggenheim CIO
> > Published: Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | 1:24 PM ET
> >
> > By: Gennine Kelly<>
> > Web Producer, CNBC
> >
> > Europe is a "train wreck" and on the "brink of a major financial
> > <> ," Scott Minerd, CIO of the
> > fixed-income firm Guggenheim Partners, told CNBC Tuesday.
> >
> > "The way Europe is operating right now
> > <> , it's what I called recently
> > 'cognitive dissonance,'" Minerd said, or "basically doing the same
> > thinking they're going to get a different outcome."
> >
> > "They keep throwing more and more liquidity at it thinking it's
going to
> > get better and it's not," he added. Europe fails to recognize that
> > has a "structural problem, not a liquidity problem."
> >
> > People will "flee the euro" unless they find a way to bifurcate the
> > in some way where strong countries are in the euro only and the weak
> > countries are out, Minerd explained, adding, "To be honest with you,
> > don't see the mechanism to do that."
> >
> > "As the capital is flooding out of Europe, which we're starting to
> > now, the first place it's going to go is to the safe
> > Treasury-s<> , which
> > market] perceives to be safe, and it'll chase gold
> > <> ," he added.
> >
> > Compared to a 2 percent return on Treasury notes, investors will
> > eventually say that "stocks with price-earnings multiples of 12 or
13 or
> > 14 look relatively cheap, and the growth for corporate earnings in
> > United States is very good, and this is likely to help us," said
> >
> > The United States is "the least dirty shirt in the bag," Minerd
> > concluded. "We have a very good chance of seeing equities
> > <> up maybe another 10
> > percent [over the next six months] from where we are."
> >
> > …………………………………………………………………………..
> Greece is having a bank run. These countries should have done what
> Iceland did and tell the banksters to get lost. Iceland has direct
> democracy and 90% of the population voted to tell the banksters to go
> hell. Their economy is beginning to pick up. The majority of Americans
> told their representatives to vote against the bailout in 2008 but the
> representatives ignored them. If the US had direct democracy we would
> in much better shape today the world would be rid of these age old
> felons who enslave humanity.

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