In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 

"So, you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12."

Bhur hoo!


> --- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > That is good.  Take a look at Janet Sussman for example.  There are others. 
> >  Her teaching fulfills a lot of what you peg as a more secular 
> > meditational/spiritual non-religious practice. She has been at it for a 
> > long time as a spiritual teacher.  You can google her name.  She also has a 
> > page at
> > 
> >
> Buck, I think it's great when you post responses like this that actually have 
> substance. However, you also insist on posting those cascade posts that add 
> nothing and only burn up your allotment of posts. Unfortunately for you, this 
> post was your 51st for the week. Tomorrow's post count will say you're at 50, 
> but I've made it clear several times that the post count is off this week, 
> and I've posted corrected counts for the top posters, including you. So, 
> you're outta here until the evening of Aug 12.

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