KN Rao, the jyotishi, said that his mother got so proficient in reading jyotish 
charts that she eventually did not have to cast a horoscope to make an 
assessment of a person's life.  She could make predictions based thumb prints 
and by looking at the person's face.

--- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> I seem to want to say something about this.  For those who are skeptical, 
> this will probably give you more fuel, but for those who experienced it, it 
> was really something.
> The longer many of us were with M, especially doing the program and being 
> celibate, the more refined and develop our perceptual abilities became.  He 
> used to talk about this a lot.  It was like we could extract valid 
> information from the energies and molecules on and around people and could 
> see what was happening on the subtle, energy planes.  The whole universe of 
> things flying around on the energy levels became visible to us.  It's 
> certainly not easy to describe.  To try to point to this, I'll relate a tiny, 
> somewhat different story concerning Mother Olson.  She sometimes, God bless 
> her, gave me M's leftovers when he and I were in her home.  (Thus taking in a 
> master's energy is a very sublime way to do so.) 
> She once said, with a chuckle, as we were walking silently along in the 
> evening somewhere and she was perceiving my perception of the gravitas and 
> size of her aura, "Yes, I'm like a whale."
> I'm not sure why I'm putting this here, but if someone else who experienced 
> this kind of thing would care to comment, I'd appreciate it, not so much for 
> any kind of validation, which is totally unnecessary, but perhaps more for 
> nostalgia or camaraderie.

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