--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:

> "In the end I thought I was going mad, alone in the caves", 'he said.' 
> "Maharishi gave me no assistance , no guidance. he just laughed and told me 
> to go on".
> Jim and Rory; if Maharishi placed you in a cave like that, what would you do ?
Maharishi did place me in a cave by indirectly teaching me his TM technique of 
meditation alongside a normal active life. 

The way I experienced his dance with me to Awakening, was first I learned the 
TM technique. Immediately I wanted to know more about it, so I began to focus, 
or try to, on what he was saying, and hold those as my beliefs, believing that 
if I did so, I would reach my goal of "A Perfect Life" (cue chorus of angels). 
Over time, as it is supposed to do, the TM technique alternated with activity 
unraveled my beliefs, again and again, for thirty years. 

Whatever they were, whatever I had come up with to explain "Everything", yet 
again, Poof. Over and over, until finally one day, the weight of whatever 
belief system I happened to be carrying around, fell to the ground with a 
calamitous THUD and shattered into dust. 

I was frankly too exhausted and possibly too wise subconsciously, to 
laboriously construct yet another set of beliefs. By the way, each subsequent 
set had to be more elaborate than the last to account for my changes in 
perception over time. Anyway, in light of all of that, and the lightness I was 
suddenly experiencing, I found myself not spending my time constructing another 
edifice, but rather just finding a way through life, moment by moment.

Then I realized that the dance with Maharishi culminating in my Awakening had 
nothing to do with ongoing life, and experience. It was simply a development 
benchmark, similar in a way as learning to walk was. Although a key of the 
lesson learned is that unlike the more obvious benchmarks in life; learning to 
walk, speak, read, etc., this one is wholly subjective, un-provable, and aside 
from the inner peace and integrity and strength and humor it gives us, 
worthless. Even when someone achieves Awakening, It Means Nothing. No one is 
going to pay us, or love us, or be our friend purely for us being normal. So 
naturally the journey continues.

Oddly enough, this makes perfect sense in that life compels us always forward 
towards renewed discovery, something we have always been doing prior to 
Awakening, only this time, there is no set of beliefs to be dealt with, to be 
built up and taken down, and so life is lived in a fresh, and immediate way, 
exploring everything, yet free of any caves of our making.

Thanks for asking.

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