--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans <dmevans365@...> wrote:
>I am so tired of the exclusionary and egotistical statements...

This is my view.

People engage in all manner of behavior to feel special.
Basically we are all shallow - no exceptions.

Some can afford an in-your-face house, car, boat, plane or be with beautiful 
people during the day and night (Oh la la).

Those that cannot, develop attitudes whether academic, trends or belonging to 
special groups.

We know the "My Guru is more Enlightened/Special/Mahasiddhi/whatever than 

There is also the incredible spectrum of experiences that will indicate a 
special level of Consciousness or Liberation. Yawn.

Whats the point of living if you CAN'T feel special by owning something unique, 
professing to have unusual experiences or belonging to a very special club or 
group within a club or have received special initiations and instructions. Whoa 
- what about being a

The key is to NEVER admit to the game.
Keep up the appearance.
The more others feel out - the more you feel in.
Argue endlessly over who knows the Truth and avoid
actually discussing what this so-called Truth is all about.

Funny thing.
Those long term dedicated and oh-so-articulate practitioners 
of the Ancient systems of Yoga and Religion

are often

the most intolerant, foul-mouthed, shallow people you will have the misfortune 
to bump into.

Bulls**t pure and simple.

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