Thank you, Curtis

On Aug 8, 2011, at 10:33 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

> Mark
> > But if there were some deeper, cosmic, ooga booga going on here, I'd love 
> > to know what it was.
> > 
> Me:
> Maharishi fits a pattern of narcissistic users. And despite his huge 
> influence in our lives, his footprint was relatively small by the numbers.
> There are so many guys like him who we have sized up and dismissed, like Rev. 
> Moon whom I assume you don't believe is in fact God on earth. But many 
> thousands do. Some with stories similar to your own about his miraculous acts 
> or their inner visions of his divinity. These guys are commonly described as 
> being surrounded by angels on the "inner" planes.
> The compelling nature of these experiences force some people to put Maharishi 
> in a protected class, a special class of humans, and everyone does this with 
> their own version of "that guy". Think of how many miracle stories we could 
> collect about people who we would loath to think of as enlightened or special.
> I keep referencing Mao because he ran this on such a huge scale. They 
> believed that Mao was such a divine figure that he could make the farms ten 
> times more productive by planting them with ten times the rice. Because this 
> was unsustainable and an idiotic idea they had to have a train ahead of Mao's 
> train when he would travel to see the wonders of his magical farming. They 
> would literally stick the rice plants into the ground for him to see and then 
> take them all out again after he left to keep them from killing off all the 
> rice. Thousands of people actually creating the illusion so that they didn't 
> have to face his wrath for facing the reality of his madness. Millions 
> devoted to him with their actual lives, not just losing sleep around him like 
> we did. Because they saw him as God on earth, not like the rest of us. A guy 
> who killed tens of millions of Chinese with his policies. Who preached 
> chastity for everyone else but had his train stocked with around a hundred of 
> the finest young hotties from around China in his concubine express.
> Narcissists are expert at making you feel valuable when you are useful to 
> them. Then when you are not, you become ashes literally or figuratively in 
> their eyes. I believe the problem is giving another human such control of our 
> self-image. Believing that someone knows us better than we do ourselves. 
> But those compelling experiences! I know. Compelling. But as humans we are 
> kinda suckers for that. We fumble the ball at getting to the bottom of a guy 
> we are connected with, but have 20/20 vision on the guy others are connected 
> with. Love really IS blind. It is a bug in our software exploited by human 
> weakness hackers like Maharishi. And it is always presented as for our own 
> good right? A good defined by the parameters of the system he is selling us. 
> Maybe not ONLY mercenary, he probably believed most of his own rap. But he 
> did end up with the money and we ended up in his service, for his higher 
> cause, that somehow didn't have room for our health insurance. 
> The celebs were not under his control, so they got the brochure version of 
> him, Mr. Nice Yogi. No demands, always giggling, but also always coming 
> around to ways he could use their celebrity for his own. In one interview 
> Lennon talked about how Maharishi's attempt to go on tour with them was a big 
> "tell" about what he was all about. And the Beatles had a PHD in users at 
> that point.
> So as long as our subjective experiences and our interpretation of the events 
> that went on around him remain too compelling to interpret in another way, a 
> less magical one, there will always be a conflict of how we see him. Just 
> like any good little Moonie who has had enough but can't seem to shake that 
> last impression that they had dealt with a man not like you or me. A living 
> god on earth, who happened to also be a real asshole.
> --- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> >
> > Yep, still here. I did say Sunday or Monday. And with the perfect and 
> > hilarious specimen below, hell, I may never be able to leave.
> > But I still plan to and, if and before I do, I just wanted to put this in.
> > Did anyone meet Ingegerd Engfeldt of Malmo, Sweden, besides me? Talk about 
> > special. My heart went out to her the second I saw her and, dead as she is, 
> > will always be partially hers.
> > She tried to develop some cassette recording device/company with M's 
> > blessing and supposed backing only (according to dear Conny, that wonderful 
> > man whose info I can't always rely on--he recently informed me that Billy 
> > Clayton had died and I had to enlist Rick's help to, thankfully, burst that 
> > bubble--Billy recently did have bypass surgery, but survived, thank you 
> > very much, quite nicely) to be abandoned by M after putting everything she 
> > had into it. Shortly thereafter, she self-immolated (yes, literally). I was 
> > also told by Conny that Klaus Apelquist (however he spelled his name), very 
> > special skin boy after me, also self-immolated.
> > So I have seen this pattern (You take what you need and you leave the rest 
> > but they should never have taken the very best), why did our man seem to 
> > have this habit of driving down the very best? And Angelika, too, the way 
> > he wasted her...
> > Sometimes I can't help but have this thought that part of M's role was to 
> > dis-enable the best of a generation, to raise us up and cast us down (dare 
> > I even utter such a thing?). ((Actually, come to think of it, he did that 
> > all the time with his constant manipulations, creations and dissolutions of 
> > the hierarchies around him--hmm am I getting somewhere with this?)*
> > You get my drift. I can't hold him as all bad, just like I can't hold him 
> > as all good. He was extravagant at both ends and all the way through the 
> > middle. But just what, exactly, was that man doing???
> > So much for me knowing him.
> > Yes, I know, we all are everything and we all are nothing, everything is 
> > the Satguru and there is nothing but the Self.
> > But, screw that, any insight on this from anywhere?
> > (Of course, one could say that some, like the Beatles and Mia Farrow, were 
> > too strong to be wasted while others, like the above, Devendra, me, etc., 
> > were only wasted because of our weakness--that, perfect being that he was, 
> > he was wasting our weakness. But, for the moment, I won't be accepting that 
> > as the one and only valid "answer," though I will continue to look at it.)
> > * So, I guess I'll chalk it up to this. Some of it might have been sincere 
> > efforts at ego busting, but the bottom line is that he never did his shadow 
> > work and he did, indeed, have quite a shadow body and that came out in all 
> > kinds of life-damaging ways (look at the TMO).
> > But if there were some deeper, cosmic, ooga booga going on here, I'd love 
> > to know what it was.
> > 
> > 
> > On Aug 7, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Bob Price wrote:
> > 
> > > Edward,
> > > 
> > > Welcome to FFL. 
> > > 
> > > Like you said; my house is special, my car is special, my wife is 
> > > special, my 
> > > kids are special, my guru was special and hell even my dog is special. 
> > > The fact I'm special goes
> > > without saying. 
> > > 
> > > But just to clarify, none of us are hiding our specialness, its right 
> > > there on our sleeves. 
> > > Thats why we came to FFL, because we all know how special we are. We're 
> > > not so special that 
> > > we don't know some of us are more special than the rest of us. So to keep 
> > > everything clear 
> > > we call the most special "terminally special" and the rest are just 
> > > enablers. 
> > > So if you feel special, you've come to the right place. 
> > > 
> > > PS: If Steve is right- you're going to share a come to Jesus moment, I 
> > > want you to know that we feel
> > > Jesus is special too. In fact, we've already established that the next 
> > > time round Jesus is coming back 
> > > as an Mexican IT worker named-you guessed it, Jesús. 
> > > 
> > > Are you Mexican Edward? 
> > > 
> > > From: Edward <eptfnj@...>
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2011 6:26:17 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Devendra
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, Denise Evans <dmevans365@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >I am so tired of the exclusionary and egotistical statements...
> > > 
> > > This is my view.
> > > 
> > > People engage in all manner of behavior to feel special.
> > > Basically we are all shallow - no exceptions.
> > > 
> > > Some can afford an in-your-face house, car, boat, plane or be with 
> > > beautiful people during the day and night (Oh la la).
> > > 
> > > Those that cannot, develop attitudes whether academic, trends or 
> > > belonging to special groups.
> > > 
> > > We know the "My Guru is more Enlightened/Special/Mahasiddhi/whatever than 
> > > yours".
> > > 
> > > There is also the incredible spectrum of experiences that will indicate a 
> > > special level of Consciousness or Liberation. Yawn.
> > > 
> > > Whats the point of living if you CAN'T feel special by owning something 
> > > unique, professing to have unusual experiences or belonging to a very 
> > > special club or group within a club or have received special initiations 
> > > and instructions. Whoa - what about being a
> > > Skin-Boy!
> > > 
> > > The key is to NEVER admit to the game.
> > > Keep up the appearance.
> > > The more others feel out - the more you feel in.
> > > Argue endlessly over who knows the Truth and avoid
> > > actually discussing what this so-called Truth is all about.
> > > 
> > > Funny thing.
> > > Those long term dedicated and oh-so-articulate practitioners 
> > > of the Ancient systems of Yoga and Religion
> > > 
> > > are often
> > > 
> > > the most intolerant, foul-mouthed, shallow people you will have the 
> > > misfortune to bump into.
> > > 
> > > Yoga?
> > > Meditation?
> > > Bulls**t pure and simple.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> >

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