
Don't bother with the questionnaire—please—unless you experience that it is 
something that has some intrinsic sense of value for you. It would be, I think, 
wrong for you to do it strictly as a favour for me. So, then: inuit it: Do I 
[Mark Landau] feel like committing myself to the exercise of answering these 
questions? or do I not feel like committing myself to this exercise? If the 
questionnaire goes unanswered, that in itself is a kind of communication to me. 
Is this understood, Mark?


--- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> Dear Robin (Yes, folks, I'm still here lurking, though this drew me out, 
> trying to figure out if the content is worth the glance and delete time.  I 
> am glad to have read Earl's letter again, after all this time, and may float 
> one more attempt at digging deeper into my last question, though I fear I 
> won't get much further with it here.)
> But, Robin, I must say you have chutzpah.  After what we've gone through (it 
> wasn't 100% irony on your side, am I correct?) you won't even have the 
> courtesy to answer two of my simple questions.  Instead, you craft 100 for me 
> to answer, many of which are quite similar.  (Is the below a psychology test?)
> So, if you will, answer these three and I will consider and probably 
> acquiesce to answering yours.  (It may, after all, have some value for me.)
> 1.  At it's peak, of -about- how many human souls did the RC Cult consist?  
> and
> 2.  If you did carpet bomb MIU with pamphlets, what, in a nutshell please 
> -could you ever fulfill such a caveat-, did it say?
> 3. What is your purpose in the below, not, just, I hope, the sheer pleasure 
> of getting someone to jump through your hoops or the shallow pleasure of 
> engaging in intellectual mind games.  If you feel you now know him, to what 
> end?
> On Aug 10, 2011, at 8:04 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > Dear Mark: Would you consider filling out this questionnaire? SA=Strongly 
> > Agree A=Agree SD=Strongly Disagree D=Disagree (mark each statement with one 
> > of these designated responses). Of course you are welcome, if you feel so 
> > inclined, to add a comment after giving your response (SA,A,SD,D).
> > 
> > Note: This questionnaire has been specifically designed for you, but others 
> > at FFL are welcome to fill it out too (or think about they would answer 
> > each question). But every question is directed towards you, and there will 
> > be statements which anyone other than yourself cannot answer.
> > 
> > 1. Maharishi was sincere.
> > 
> > 2. Maharishi was a liar.
> > 
> > 3. Maharishi could be cruel.
> > 
> > 4. Maharishi was ruthless.
> > 
> > 5. I have never seen Maharishi truly vulnerable or humble.
> > 
> > 6. Maharishi had an ego.
> > 
> > 7. Maharishi knew he was not the innocent and loving Master that he 
> > projected to his teachers.
> > 
> > 8. Maharishi's soul was cold and unfeeling.
> > 
> > 9. I have never seen Maharishi as incorruptible.
> > 
> > 10. I can't believe that God truly loved Maharishi.
> > 
> > 11. There are so many more sides to Maharishi than anyone on FFL would 
> > think, let alone imagine.
> > 
> > 12. And some of those sides, yes, make him comparable (in some mystical 
> > sense at least) to Mao.
> > 
> > 13. I do not love or revere Maharishi as my Master.
> > 
> > 14. Maharishi was unkind to me.
> > 
> > 15. I am not sure what Maharishi's ultimate agenda really was, whether it 
> > was good or evil.
> > 
> > 16. Maharishi had a terrific sense of humour.
> > 
> > 17. I think Maharishi's good deeds far exceeded his bad deeds.
> > 
> > 18. Maharishi was enlightened.
> > 
> > 19. Maharishi transformed the universe in a positive way.
> > 
> > 20. Maharishi knew me better than I knew myself.
> > 
> > 21. Maharishi took advantage of my weakness and vulnerability.
> > 
> > 22. If I met Maharishi now, I would still feel love for him.
> > 
> > 23. Maharishi never got confronted by reality such as to make him 
> > accountable for all that he did.
> > 
> > 24. I think Bevan Morris's continued devotion to Maharishi a good thing; 
> > Bevan is not deceived about Maharishi.
> > 
> > 25. I think the future of TM is bright.
> > 
> > 26. Maharishi spun stories about the potential of TM that he knew were 
> > false.
> > 
> > 27. Maharishi died, I believe, a broken man.
> > 
> > 28. Maharishi lost some of his grace, power, and charisma as he aged.
> > 
> > 29. Maharishi was just a very gifted and exceptional man; but a man all the 
> > same. Nothing intrinsically special or holy.
> > 
> > 30. I believe Christ is on the same side as Maharishi and they essentially 
> > taught the same truth.
> > 
> > 31. TM did me more good than harm.
> > 
> > 32. I feel I know who Maharishi is; it's just that I can't quite excavate 
> > all this knowingness about him so as to make it fully conscious and 
> > intelligible to myself.
> > 
> > 33. I know Maharishi as well as anyone knows him—anyone, that is, that I 
> > know.
> > 
> > 34. I believed in reincarnation even before psychedelics, TM, and Maharishi.
> > 
> > 35. I would not be a sensitive and wise a person (in all my vulnerability 
> > and fragility) had I not done TM and known Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> > 
> > 36. I have never read anything about Maharishi which essentially reflected 
> > all that I know about him. That is, something which captured the essence of 
> > the man.
> > 
> > 37. I find it easy to refute the allegations made by Earl Kaplan in that 
> > famous letter of 2004.
> > 
> > 38. Maharishi still haunts me.
> > 
> > 39. I believe Maharishi drew me closer to God.
> > 
> > 40. I believe I am objective about the man and the Guru, Maharishi Mahesh 
> > Yogi.
> > 
> > 41. I think TM a good thing, and I recommend people to take up the practice.
> > 
> > 42. I know of no person in the world who was close to and devoted to 
> > Maharishi who became the repository for any exceptional sense of integrity 
> > and wisdom. 
> > 
> > 43. Maharishi was unable to produce a worthy successor to himself.
> > 
> > 44. Somewhere I know that my hatred of Maharishi (at least in some 
> > respects) is warranted, and acts as a protection for me against being a 
> > total victim of his influence upon me.
> > 
> > 45. My experiences of being close to Maharishi as his skin boy did not 
> > produce any revelations about him that shocked me.
> > 
> > 46. Anyone who continues to think Maharishi a Saint and perfect is deceived.
> > 
> > 47. I believe in the existence of a Personal God.
> > 
> > 48. Maharishi was, if you examine his actions, an implicit atheist.
> > 
> > 49. Maharishi never demonstrated a sense of guilt or shame.
> > 
> > 50. Maharishi was ten times more powerful than any human being I have 
> > encountered in my life.
> > 
> > 51. Maharishi was, somewhere, a very beautiful and exquisite human being.
> > 
> > 52. Maharishi was a true and authentic Master.
> > 
> > 53. Guru Dev would be proud of Maharishi and everything he did.
> > 
> > 54. Maharishi's legacy will ultimately be a positive one.
> > 
> > 55. It's all downhill from here on in for Maharishi and TM.
> > 
> > 56. I have an immortal soul.
> > 
> > 57. There are things I still live by and believe that I owe to my 
> > association with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> > 
> > 58. There are certain facts about Maharishi that I know, but cannot reveal, 
> > or choose not to reveal, because of how shocking they are.
> > 
> > 59. Maharishi changed the world in a good way.
> > 
> > 60. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had evil in him.
> > 
> > 61. Maharishi deserves to be thought of as a saviour for mankind.
> > 
> > 62. TM has done much more good than harm.
> > 
> > 63. I think it is safe to practise Transcendental Meditation.
> > 
> > 64. I have no regrets about my time with Maharishi.
> > 
> > 65. I sometimes get frustrated in knowing that my experience of Maharishi 
> > goes down so deep, but I am unable to entirely do justice to this 
> > experience, so as to make that experience available to others so they might 
> > benefit from this knowledge that is in me about him.
> > 
> > 66. I think I am a more sincere person than Maharishi ever was.
> > 
> > 67. I do not think of myself as inferior to Maharishi when it comes to 
> > standing before God.
> > 
> > 68. I think Maharishi died a happy life, and that he 'dropped the body' in 
> > the most classic and perfect way that any enlightened being would.
> > 
> > 69. Maharishi was full of it.
> > 
> > 70. My life still amounts in the end to what happened to me by knowing 
> > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> > 
> > 71. If Maharishi were alive now and I had permission to speak to him 
> > one-on-one—and I was fearless and confident—there are some questions I 
> > would put to him that would challenge his honesty and integrity. I would 
> > like to see how he would answer these questions.
> > 
> > 72. I never revealed to Maharishi what I really thought about him.
> > 
> > 73. Maharishi somewhere deep inside of him knew what I really thought about 
> > him. He knew I was seeing another side to him other than the one he showed 
> > to the world.
> > 
> > 74. It is better to love Maharishi than to despise him.
> > 
> > 75. Maharishi is still my Master.
> > 
> > 76. I don't believe anyone I knew who was associated with Maharishi has 
> > 'evolved' in any significant and discernible way.
> > 
> > 77. Maharishi was capable of anything—criminal or seedy; it doesn't matter. 
> > Maharishi had no shame.
> > 
> > 78. I believe Maharishi's experience of himself was that he was a good, 
> > sincere, and honest human being.
> > 
> > 79. Maharishi got corrupted well before I came to know him as his skin boy.
> > 
> > 80. Maharishi now is in perfect bliss—and deserves to be so.
> > 
> > 81. No initiator who dies accrues any real and positive benefit from having 
> > known and been devoted to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> > 
> > 82. Maharishi remains essentially a mystery to everyone. But not, 
> > ultimately, to me.
> > 
> > 83. Maharishi had a clear conscience.
> > 
> > 84. At one point, at his zenith, Maharishi was—almost—all-powerful and 
> > all-knowing.
> > 
> > 85. I think it a more valid perspective to see how beautiful Maharishi was 
> > rather than to see how corrupt he was.
> > 
> > 86. Maharishi was not corrupt.
> > 
> > 87. Maharishi's initiators were more sincere and innocent than he was.
> > 
> > 88. I have never met anyone who I could say: This person is objective about 
> > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This person really knows Maharishi the way I do.
> > 
> > 89. Maharishi wrecked the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of human 
> > beings.
> > 
> > 90. His spiritually illicit (given his vows to Guru Dev) relationship with 
> > women is indefensible.
> > 
> > 91. Maharishi was over-all a good guy.
> > 
> > 92. Maharishi was way more intelligent than anyone I have ever known.
> > 
> > 93. Maharishi always meant to do good.
> > 
> > 94. Maharishi was an idealist.
> > 
> > 95. Maharishi towards the end of his life descended into madness.
> > 
> > 96. Maharishi has probably already reincarnated and is living somewhere as 
> > a small child, destined for even greater glory.
> > 
> > 97. No: Maharishi is off the wheel of death and rebirth.
> > 
> > 98. This Hinduism may be all nonsense.
> > 
> > 99. Maharishi's World Plan will never come to anything.
> > 
> > 100. Maharishi has essentially made a profoundly positive contribution to 
> > the world and God (or Reality) was behind all that he did.
> > 
> > --- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> > >
> > > Yep, still here. I did say Sunday or Monday. And with the perfect and 
> > > hilarious specimen below, hell, I may never be able to leave.
> > > But I still plan to and, if and before I do, I just wanted to put this in.
> > > Did anyone meet Ingegerd Engfeldt of Malmo, Sweden, besides me? Talk 
> > > about special. My heart went out to her the second I saw her and, dead as 
> > > she is, will always be partially hers.
> > > She tried to develop some cassette recording device/company with M's 
> > > blessing and supposed backing only (according to dear Conny, that 
> > > wonderful man whose info I can't always rely on--he recently informed me 
> > > that Billy Clayton had died and I had to enlist Rick's help to, 
> > > thankfully, burst that bubble--Billy recently did have bypass surgery, 
> > > but survived, thank you very much, quite nicely) to be abandoned by M 
> > > after putting everything she had into it. Shortly thereafter, she 
> > > self-immolated (yes, literally). I was also told by Conny that Klaus 
> > > Apelquist (however he spelled his name), very special skin boy after me, 
> > > also self-immolated.
> > > So I have seen this pattern (You take what you need and you leave the 
> > > rest but they should never have taken the very best), why did our man 
> > > seem to have this habit of driving down the very best? And Angelika, too, 
> > > the way he wasted her...
> > > Sometimes I can't help but have this thought that part of M's role was to 
> > > dis-enable the best of a generation, to raise us up and cast us down 
> > > (dare I even utter such a thing?). ((Actually, come to think of it, he 
> > > did that all the time with his constant manipulations, creations and 
> > > dissolutions of the hierarchies around him--hmm am I getting somewhere 
> > > with this?)*
> > > You get my drift. I can't hold him as all bad, just like I can't hold him 
> > > as all good. He was extravagant at both ends and all the way through the 
> > > middle. But just what, exactly, was that man doing???
> > > So much for me knowing him.
> > > Yes, I know, we all are everything and we all are nothing, everything is 
> > > the Satguru and there is nothing but the Self.
> > > But, screw that, any insight on this from anywhere?
> > > (Of course, one could say that some, like the Beatles and Mia Farrow, 
> > > were too strong to be wasted while others, like the above, Devendra, me, 
> > > etc., were only wasted because of our weakness--that, perfect being that 
> > > he was, he was wasting our weakness. But, for the moment, I won't be 
> > > accepting that as the one and only valid "answer," though I will continue 
> > > to look at it.)
> > > * So, I guess I'll chalk it up to this. Some of it might have been 
> > > sincere efforts at ego busting, but the bottom line is that he never did 
> > > his shadow work and he did, indeed, have quite a shadow body and that 
> > > came out in all kinds of life-damaging ways (look at the TMO).
> > > But if there were some deeper, cosmic, ooga booga going on here, I'd love 
> > > to know what it was.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Aug 7, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Bob Price wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Edward,
> > > > 
> > > > Welcome to FFL. 
> > > > 
> > > > Like you said; my house is special, my car is special, my wife is 
> > > > special, my 
> > > > kids are special, my guru was special and hell even my dog is special. 
> > > > The fact I'm special goes
> > > > without saying. 
> > > > 
> > > > But just to clarify, none of us are hiding our specialness, its right 
> > > > there on our sleeves. 
> > > > Thats why we came to FFL, because we all know how special we are. We're 
> > > > not so special that 
> > > > we don't know some of us are more special than the rest of us. So to 
> > > > keep everything clear 
> > > > we call the most special "terminally special" and the rest are just 
> > > > enablers. 
> > > > So if you feel special, you've come to the right place. 
> > > > 
> > > > PS: If Steve is right- you're going to share a come to Jesus moment, I 
> > > > want you to know that we feel
> > > > Jesus is special too. In fact, we've already established that the next 
> > > > time round Jesus is coming back 
> > > > as an Mexican IT worker named-you guessed it, Jesús. 
> > > > 
> > > > Are you Mexican Edward? 
> > > > 
> > > > From: Edward <eptfnj@>
> > > > To:
> > > > Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2011 6:26:17 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Devendra
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In, Denise Evans <dmevans365@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >I am so tired of the exclusionary and egotistical statements...
> > > > 
> > > > This is my view.
> > > > 
> > > > People engage in all manner of behavior to feel special.
> > > > Basically we are all shallow - no exceptions.
> > > > 
> > > > Some can afford an in-your-face house, car, boat, plane or be with 
> > > > beautiful people during the day and night (Oh la la).
> > > > 
> > > > Those that cannot, develop attitudes whether academic, trends or 
> > > > belonging to special groups.
> > > > 
> > > > We know the "My Guru is more Enlightened/Special/Mahasiddhi/whatever 
> > > > than yours".
> > > > 
> > > > There is also the incredible spectrum of experiences that will indicate 
> > > > a special level of Consciousness or Liberation. Yawn.
> > > > 
> > > > Whats the point of living if you CAN'T feel special by owning something 
> > > > unique, professing to have unusual experiences or belonging to a very 
> > > > special club or group within a club or have received special 
> > > > initiations and instructions. Whoa - what about being a
> > > > Skin-Boy!
> > > > 
> > > > The key is to NEVER admit to the game.
> > > > Keep up the appearance.
> > > > The more others feel out - the more you feel in.
> > > > Argue endlessly over who knows the Truth and avoid
> > > > actually discussing what this so-called Truth is all about.
> > > > 
> > > > Funny thing.
> > > > Those long term dedicated and oh-so-articulate practitioners 
> > > > of the Ancient systems of Yoga and Religion
> > > > 
> > > > are often
> > > > 
> > > > the most intolerant, foul-mouthed, shallow people you will have the 
> > > > misfortune to bump into.
> > > > 
> > > > Yoga?
> > > > Meditation?
> > > > Bulls**t pure and simple.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >
> > >
> > 
> >

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