--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Bzzzzzzt. Any argument that depends on "buy in" to either
> > the concept of God or belief that you or anyone else knows
> > what his/her/its perspective is is of no interest to me. You
> > react to my question about considering subjective belief
> > to be objective fact by declaring your subjective belief to
> > be objective fact.
> > 
> > Not for the first time, all that this inspires in me is a sense of
> > incredulity that people in Fairfield could ever have considered
> > your narcissism worth listening to, much less following. No
> > offense, but I do not share their level of gullibility. Thanks
> > for your reply, but run your stuck-inside-your-own-head
> > egotrip on someone else, eh?

> Your response deeply disappoints me, Turquoiseb.

Like I give a shit.

RESPONSE: You're playing off key here, Turq: you missed the irony. And if you 
go around missing irony you're closing off half of reality (these days, anyway: 
21st century: irony is the closest thing to what used to be the truth: In fact 
irony fills the vacuum where God used to be—my opinion, mind).

Should I take it that this impression and judgment of
> me is objective?

Absolutely not. It is purely subjective. It's
called a brush-off, as in "Not interested in
debating with you." You make take it either
personally or as a generic brush-off aimed
at all people who attempt to suck me into
ego-arguments with them, as you wish.

RESPONSE: But no, Turquoiseb, you are mistaken. You think you are exercising 
your free will in giving me admittedly the "brush-off", whereas in fact [you 
still there, Turquoiseb?—no sense continuing this if you're not: Oh, you're a 
little bit there? That's fine then; I will carry on] you are, without any 
freedm to do otherwise, reacting to something about me, which requires that, in 
order for your POV to remain consistent and immutable (although you yourself 
don't know it is this), you as a matter of principle exclude listening to 
anything I might say. Hold it, Turqoiseb: I am *not saying you are wrong* about 
me. Not at all. I am just saying that your preempting the experience of finding 
out that you are right, based upon your experience of hearing me out, limits, 
severely limits, the reliability of your categorical judgment of me.

TURQUOISEB [as imagined]: Will you just STFU, Robin? I have made my point 
already. You are a dunce to keep hammering away at me. Trying to turn me into a 
disciple, are you? I'm already taken. That's why when I smell some ex-cult 
leader sending out his egotistical vibe, I recognize it, and I remain true to 
my Master—my last one. Who committed an act guaranteed to bend his followers's 
minds in perpetuity.

I merely asked people to weigh in with their
responses to the questions I posed. I did not
imply I'd debate the issue with them. If you
really feel the need to do this, find someone
else, someone who gives a shit about your
theories. Because they ARE theories, dude. :-)

RESPONSE: These are not theories, Turq: they were revealed to me by a little 
Canadian fairy, and he said: Robin: Count on it. What I am about to tell you is 

So I went for it. Who is to say my fairy friend lied to me? So far I seem to be 
doing pretty good: except in two blatant cases—which continue to torment me.

Oh oh. I think maybe Turq has closed things down. Yeah, for sure that's what 
he's done.

I think my subjectivity lost some of its claim to objectivity in the futility 
of this attempt of mine to love you, Turquoiseb.

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