FYI - I have to say I totally loved this - Robin, the master of irony..:-).

--- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Turquoiseb:
> I have been 100% ironic from beginning to end. And you have missed this.
> That's a serious misperception of reality. That's a kind of [non-objective] 
> subjectivity that could hurt you, as in: the failure to know what reality is 
> really up to at any given moment.
> All that I have done in my responses to your posts, Turquoise, is to test 
> your self-objectivity in the face of my resisting your judgment of me.
> You have failed the test. But this only makes me pity you.
> Nah! Just joshing you there, Turquoise. Heck I started to get SO ironic 
> there, I almost fell for it myself. You see that is the point of perfect 
> irony: when don't know whether the person is being sincere or not. You took 
> me to be sincere: but the only sincerity that was there was the motive for 
> deploying my irony, which was to subject your mind to a gentle shock.
> Out of love for your immortal soul.
> But you see, you were anaesthetized somewhere to reality. So it didn't work. 
> *You took me seriously*, which in this case eliminated, right from the start, 
> any chance you had for objectivity [true comprehension as to what I was 
> about] in reading my posts.
> Hey, Turquoise: for being such an intelligent guy, why not ask yourself: WTF 
> am I doing misinterpreting someone this badly?
> Because you have, dear Turquoise. You really have.
> Unless, of course, *you were all the time being ironic to me*! As in, 
> pretending so deviously and cunningly that you *did not* pick up my 
> irony,whereas all the while, having understood it perfectly, and deflecting 
> it from yourself by acting as if you didn't catch it.
> Yeah, that's probably what happened, Turquoise. So, it seems, you win.
> Unless you tell me now—please do not be ironic; we've had enough of that—No, 
> Robin, you little shithole: I was dead serious. Now will you just fuck off.
> Thanks.
> Back to me again just to close this, Turquoise: Would you please tell me one 
> quality that Fred Lentz possessed that I could use—so as to (of course) have 
> a better chance of influencing you away from this repulsion you feel 
> regarding myself.
> Would you really want me to accept your verdict about me, Turquoiseb?
> Yes, Robin [says Turquoise]; I really would.
> OK, then, Turq: I will.
> No, I won't. Hah! How's that for Canadian trickery? Did I catch you out 
> again, Turq?
> Fuck me. I don't know where I'm at after all these posts, Turquoiseb.
> Help me, will you.
> Look: I respect your opinion, Turquoiseb, and you can count on it: This will 
> be my last post to you ever.
> Unless you write back again. Don't. I need to have the last word.
> "We despised money, we despised cleanliness, we just wanted to be black 
> motherfuckers." 
> "You've got to go out there and get your heart broke and then come back and 
> then you can sing the blues." 
> "Hence, eventually you get the Monkees, all this erzatz shit."
> Keith Richards
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Bzzzzzzt. Any argument that depends on "buy in" to either
> > > > > the concept of God or belief that you or anyone else knows
> > > > > what his/her/its perspective is is of no interest to me. You
> > > > > react to my question about considering subjective belief
> > > > > to be objective fact by declaring your subjective belief to
> > > > > be objective fact.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Not for the first time, all that this inspires in me is a sense of
> > > > > incredulity that people in Fairfield could ever have considered
> > > > > your narcissism worth listening to, much less following. No
> > > > > offense, but I do not share their level of gullibility. Thanks
> > > > > for your reply, but run your stuck-inside-your-own-head
> > > > > egotrip on someone else, eh?
> > > 
> > > >Turquoiseb:
> > > >
> > > > Your response deeply disappoints me, Turquoiseb.
> > > 
> > > Like I give a shit.
> > > 
> > > RESPONSE: You're playing off key here, Turq: you missed the irony. 
> > 
> > What part of "Like I give a shit" and the words
> > "brush off" did you not understand? Are you brain-
> > damaged? 
> > 
> > Let me try to put it in terms you might understand.
> > Let's say that you encounter someone and your first
> > impression of them is that they are a whiny, clingy, 
> > needy, and above all long-winded person, whose long-
> > windedness is of NO INTEREST TO YOU WHATSOEVER. 
> > 
> > So what do you do if this person starts whining as if 
> > he wants to "make friends" with you, when you've been
> > able to see that the only thing this results in when
> > he does it with other people is that they have to
> > suffer through his interminable posts to humor him?
> > Would you be tempted to get into any discussions with
> > this person, *especially* if you had yet to see him
> > post *anything* that you found original or interesting?
> > 
> > If so, make friends with yourself and have discussions
> > with yourself. Leave me the fuck out of it.
> >

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