Replying because I can tell that the subject of brothels
is making a number of people very, very uncomfortable, and
that's always fun...

--- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Can't speak for anyone else, but I was saying, "I
> > enjoy the company of beautiful women, and somebody
> > else is paying my entrance fee to this lovely club
> > and all my drinks, so I think I'll sit here at the
> > bar and write for a while."
> Well, I guess here the story gets filled out some. Every 
> stripper club I have ever attended had a high price for 
> weak drinks, and most had an admission charge.  Of course 
> at a high end brothel I would imagine that the drinks 
> would be more expensive, but at least strong. Don't know
> about the admission charge. You did not indicate in your 
> original post that you were the guest of someone.  

I wasn't a one-time guest; I had basically a free pass,
at least "downstairs," due to a favor I'd done for the
owner (or something he perceived as a favor). This
definitely influenced my decision to hang there because 
the entrance fee was something like 200 Euros, which 
then included all of your drinks (only top shelf stuff).

> The overall impression I got was that you were there for the 
> ambiance and conversation and met some fellow bar mates who 
> were interested in the same.

After my first visit, I definitely kept coming back 
for the ambiance, and for the conversations. So did
the folks I described in my original story. 

All of these guys were wealthy, and attractive enough
that some women would have paid *them* for sex. So that
really wasn't the attraction. Also, the very idea of
paying for sex (other than dating or...uh...marriage)
is highly overrated. It's something that guys who have
never done it find attractive, as a fantasy. The reality
is not nearly as satisfying (based on my experiences at
age 15, at least). 

> > > Maybe you get your jollies by just having the come on, without
> > > a strong intention to consummate, but that also says something,
> > > and I think it is guaranteed that consummation is not to far
> > > away.
> >
> > Again, I suspect that your "guarantees" come from
> > a completely fictional experience of brothels. Mine
> > does not. I liked the Tantric nature of the environ-
> > ment, as a kind of energy nexus that inspired me to
> > write. Toulouse-Lautrec felt the same way, and used
> > it to inspire his paintings, and so did many of the
> > Ukiyo-e painters from the "floating world" of Japan.
> I understand how the sexual energy of that environment 
> can be stimulating.  

You really don't. A really high-end brothel like this
is less sexually-charged than your average bar or disco
on a Friday night. It's VERY low-key. At a high-end joint
like Yab Yum, subtlety would be the word, something that
you could never in a million years say about a bar or
disco. Also, the music was very soft, and in the back-
ground, so you could actually TALK, which is something
you can't do at many bars or discos. 

As I tried to say before, what I liked watching was the 
*subtlety* with which the women attracted a potential
customer from across the room, and how the men in ques-
tion then responded. Did you take note of the entrance
fees and what these women charged? It's not as if the
joint was full of drunken yahoos with double-digit IQs
and five-digit yearly salaries. Since I'm not rich, it
was one of the rare opportunities I've had in my life
to *hang* with the rich in an environment in which they
felt comfortable and at home. It was FUN.

All of this supposedly changed in its last years. Word
on the street has it that the owner I knew was black-
mailed and threatened into selling it either to the
Mafia or the Hells Angels (depending on which story
you believe). Soon afterwards the elegance and subtlety
turned into its opposite and a VERY different crowd 
began to frequent the place. It was closed down by the
city of Amsterdam (by revoking its license) after the
new set of patrons got too drug- and crime-oriented.

But at the time I got to go there is was a bastion of
Old World Old Boy elegance, and I feel privileged to
have experienced it. The funniest story I know about
Yab Yum is that at one point (before it started to go
downhill) they petitioned the city to be able to open
a branch as Schiphol Airport. My one-liner at the time
is that if that had been allowed to happen it would 
have given all new meaning to the term "layover." :-)

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