On 08/17/2011 01:53 PM, Tom Pall wrote:
> I've just spoken to my Jyotishi and he says that this is a good time for me
> to change careers.  The optimal new career would be rapper.  I have plenty
> of material from the collected works of Ravi, StripedZebra and Rory,
> assembled here on FFL.   I do need money to start of my career, somewhere in
> the area of $300,000.  Because of the great generosity you've shown me since
> my becoming a member of FFL, I thought first of y'all.  Kindly email me and
> I'll give you my PayPal account, or if you'd rather pay be eCheck, I can
> process those as well.
> I'll need most of the money for my bling.  In this case, it'll be emeralds,
> as that's what my Jyotishi recommends.  Emerald tooth inlays.   An emerald
> ring the size of a light bulb and of course emerald encrusted gold chains
> for my neck.
> Kindly open your hearts and especially our wallets to me.  If you're
> brother's a raja, even better.   I hope to hear from you soon as I want to
> start my new career as soon as possible.
> Thank y'all for reading this,
> Tom, aka Python Head

As soon as I win the lottery, Tom.  Then you'll be all set but I think 
Willy and Dixon are buying up most of the tickets.

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