Nice troll post, Turq. Seriously, both well-crafted to offend almost everyone, 
and well written in a conversational tone to draw the suckers in. Good job, 
lil' guy!

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@> wrote:
> >
> > I love it when you call me hon. The first time you did it, 
> > it was honey which I believe is a synonym for sweetheart? 
> > Is this an indication of where our relationship is headed---
> > next "ho" and then just plain "h"? BTW, did you mean "non 
> > sequitur" as in a "literary device" or "lacking logic"? 
> > And what do you consider yourself a gardener, lawn mower 
> > or well poisoner? Personally I like to think of myself 
> > as a lawn gnome.
> > 
> >
> When it comes to "three kinds of people," I have to
> go with Will Rogers' definition: "There are three 
> kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading, the 
> few who learn by observation, and the rest of them, 
> who have to pee on the electric fence and find out 
> for themselves."
> I'm not sure how this relates to the question you
> asked, Bob, but my suspicion is that if someone is
> calling someone else a well poisoner, after several
> days of doing exactly that themselves, then they might
> fall into Will's last category. I'm just not sure
> how exactly a person of that gender manages to pee
> on a fence.  :-)
> Lawn gnome seems to be a much higher designation to
> aspire to. Much more high-vibe, and if "Amelie" is
> any indication, you get to travel the world more.
> > ________________________________
> > From: authfriend <jstein@>
> > 
> > --- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Judy,
> > > 
> > > I'm sorry for the tardy response, I believe you know about
> > > my recent challenges. Thank you for your post, its always a
> > > rare treat to hear from you. In case its awhile before we
> > > are in touch again I want to mention how much I enjoy your
> > > writing, you don't need me to tell you how talented you are.
> > > That said, I'd like to drill down a bit on this 
> > > word, "fascinated". I don't think for a minute you are 
> > > "fascinated" by me
> > 
> > You're very right about that, but since that wasn't what
> > I wrote, it appears to be a non sequitur.
> > 
> > Did you ever hear the old saw about there being three
> > types of people, gardeners, lawn mowers, and well poisoners?
> > Barry's a well poisoner. You're welcome to your fantasies
> > about ritualism and addiction, but you'll excuse me if I
> > ignore them and continue to call attention to Barry's
> > poisoning attempts, as well as to the double standards of
> > those who believe it's their mission to defend him (which
> > I note you were unable to comment on, taking the ad
> > hominem route instead).
> > 
> > Are we clear, hon?

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