I saw the video, and have seen a lot of 9/11 conspiracy theory videos.  I used 
to watch them obsessively.  However, this video is an example of how conspiracy 
theorists lose credibility.  One of his comments are how easy it would've been 
to get F-18's up in the air to take down a commercial airplane within 1 hour.  
The person who made the video apparently doesn't understand what a 'strip 
alert' is, nor the difficulty of communicating between all agencies (pilot, air 
traffic control, and pentagon).  Even if a target is stationary, and the ground 
controller and pilot are both on the same sheet of music, it can still take a 
long time for a pilot to lock on to his target.  Therefore, the theory that 
F-18's could've gone in the sky and shot down the 747's in a matter of 
seconds/minutes is only a theory by someone who is neither a pilot or an 
experienced ground controller.

The destruction of official records was intriguing and very suspect in my 
opinion.  But then he states how easy it should've been to track Bin Laden down 
with what he seems to consider an 'omipotent' intelligence network.  So in 
addition to not talking to pilots or combat air traffic controllers, he also 
failed to talk to anyone trained in military surveillance operations in order 
to determine how easy or difficult it is to track down a terrorist in a country 
like Pakistan.  Finding a specific man in a country full of radical muslims who 
will ambush and kill us is not an easy task.  We've been after Mullah Omar for 
even longer than Bin Laden, and we still can't find him.  

He also goes into some theory that Seal Team 6 who killed bin laden was killed 
later in a helo crash, hinting that our government wanted Bin Laden's killers 
killed.  Again, failure to look into things, there are about 200 operators in 
Seal Team 6.  The same guys who killed bin laden weren't necessarily the same 
guys in that helo, and it is very unlikely that they were.  The time tables 
don't work out for deployment schedules for them to be the same team.  Bin 
Laden was killed in May.  That team is no longer deployed.  The team that was 
killed a couple weeks ago has to be a different team.  Also, there were 
Rangers, Afghan forces, and other spec ops units involved in the operation 
where Seal team 6 personell were killed.  They all would've had to be a part of 
getting seal team 6 killed if there is a conspiracy with their death.  Rangers 
and special forces killing members of Seal Team 6???  These guys are like 
brothers to each other, they're not going to kill their own guys!  

I can tell by this video that public perception is that we have an extremely 
powerful and competent military that is capable of doing and accomplishing 
anything it sets its mind to.  That is a false perception; there is a mass 
incompetence in the military, and solid reasons why Bill Clinton and George 
Bush failed on numerous occasions to kill Bin Laden.  

I know there are reasons to believe in the 9/11 conspiracy, but people need to 
do more research and only present facts that can be backed up by people who 
actually know something about the subject being criticized or used as 
information to back up a theory.  Otherwise you risk having your valid points 
being mistrusted due to other blatantly false theories being presented.


Anyway, it's 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> All you wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy in under 5 minutes.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98

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