--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> The airliners weren't 747s.  And what is the basis of your theory?  I 
> have not heard such from fighter pilots interviewed.

I'm in the military, and one of my jobs used to be as a ground controller for 
pilots.  I'm aware of what pilots have to do to get out of thier 'ready room' 
where they're watching tv and eating donuts and proceed to the aircraft and 
recieve clearance for takeoff.  I'm also aware of the difficulties in 
communication between ground control and pilots, especially when you're dealing 
with a team that has never worked or rehearsed together.  Also, one interview I 
saw was one of the pilots near D.C. that is on 24/7 standby for such 
contingencies, and they all thought that the first aircraft was just an 
accident.  It wasn't until the 2nd plane that they were even aware that they 
might have to get up in the air.

As for the 747's mistake, sorry, I usually don't distinguish between 737, 747, 
767...etc...., I just use 747 as a universal term for 'big plane carrying 

> And they may not want to because keeping a bogeyman around is handy to 
> keep the sheeple in fear.  

No, I've been working in surveillance as well for quite some time.  Mullah Omar 
is somewhere in Pakistan and doing well not because we're letting him live, but 
because their tribes and fighters won't let us get to him.  We have a very hard 
time sending people in that country.  It's like sending the LAPD swat team into 
certain neighborhoods in L.A.  LAPD swat might be the best trained swat team in 
the USA, and might have all the weapons and armored vehicles, but they still 
get f****d up bad in certain areas.  No matter how elite you are, you can't 
compete with certain cultures and certain mindsets.  If you think Mullah Omar 
is around because we're in total control and are letting him live, you have no 
idea how powerful some of these islamic tribes really are.  Don't you remember 
the 1980's??  Remember....Afghanistan defeated the Soviet military?  Not only 
is our military and government living in a fantasy world that we are so much 
better at war than everyone else, but civilians are so naive about how powerful 
our military really is.  We are nowhere near being in enough control over this 
war to just let someone stay alive.  In fact, if we were in that much control, 
GWB would have confirmed Bin Laden dead in the last year of his term as Pres.  
But now Obama gets all the credit.  

And I do assume you know that supposedly 
> Osama was killed in Tora Bora in early 2002 but there were not enough 
> remains for the US to claim the kill.  Having outlived his bogeyman 
> usefulness they concocted the recent raid.  After all, the crying "wolf" 
> over faked videos of Bin Laden this late in the day wasn't working out.

I haven't looked into the fake videos theory much.  However, I do know that it 
was Delta Force that was on the hunt for Bin Laden in late 2001/early 2002.  
They were within 1 mile of him, according to sources.  However, the Mujahadeen 
soldiers that guided Delta to Osama started to behave very suspicious once they 
came close.  Supposedly, the white house/pentagon had to make a call.  Either 
push the mission, and risk getting all these Delta operators killed, or live to 
hunt another day.  They chose to abort.  A lot of criticism was given to Bush 
for that decision, just like Clinton recieved a lot of criticism for not 
pursuing UBL after a failed attempt in the 90's. 

I, personally, don't buy the boogyman theory.  If so, Bush and his whole 
administration intentionally went down as the most incompetent administration 
since perhaps Buchanan.  So either Bush is a political kamikaze, or he's just a 
plain idiot.  I think the latter. 

> >
> Again that's your theory  In the military there's orders.  

There is no way in hell anyone in the military is going to follow orders to 
kill their own, especially in a special operations unit where 'independant 
thinkers' are the predominant personality type.  There might be an occasional 
'psycho' out there capable of doing it.  But orders or not, guys in spec ops 
units are a lot more loyal to each other than they are to psychotic orders as 
suggested by some conspiracy theorists.  

> What about WTC 7?  That was very definitely a demolition and obviously 
> prepped well before the day.  Some think that Flight 93 was supposed to 
> crash into.  How convenient that a lot of fraud investigations were 
> destroyed in the process.  Some even think that WTC 7 was the true 
> target and the towers a diversion tactic.  WTC 7 is the smoking gun 
> because fires wouldn't have destroyed or made it collapse... on its own 
> footprint.  We know firemen were advised the building was going to be 
> "pulled."

I'm with you on WTC 7, and i'd like some answers.  However, the part that 
confuses me is the fact that it blew up means that it was a timed detonation, 
as opposed to a controlled detonation.  Why would they blow it up if a plane 
doesn't crash into it?  Why would they risk a timed detonation vs. a controlled 
one?  I've worked with explosives before, and 'Explosives 101' is knowing when 
to use 'timed' vs. 'controlled' detonation.  An intricate attack like this 
would require a controlled detonation.  There is no tactical wisdom whatsoever 
in whoever concocted this attack (thats if it is indeed a self inflicted 

There was also no need to destroy so many buildings.  We could have destroyed 
just one building, and that would have sufficed to justify a war.  So if we 
took out 3 of our own, that means our government is pretty much a chaotic evil 
force with no long term plan.  Taking out the entire WTC has damaged our 
economy, both wars have driven us to bankruptcy, and we're all possibly 
screwed.  What's worse is the fact that Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and 
every other political heavy hitter in every party is in on this charade.  If 
9/11 was a big hoax, there is no reason whatsoever to vote.  They have all 
taken part in murdering us, and it's not even for a long term development plan 
that benefits us in anyway.  Dick Cheney and a few other republicans might have 
gotten a temporary boost with their contract companies, but that's it.  But we 
are all, nonetheless, permanently fucked if our government did this, and there 
is no taking our country back, because Obama knows it too, if it is in fact 
true.  And each presidential candidate has to know as well.  

> The main power of the video is to get people looking into the 
> ridiculousness of the "official story."  And certainly not all 
> conspiracy investigators would agree with what is presented.  If indeed 
> 9/11 was an "inside job" the truth movement has made it near impossible 
> for another inside job to occur.  About the best they can do is set up a 
> patsy and make the public fear lone wolves.  In fact, I have even 
> considered that the truth movement may be a counter intelligence driven 
> operation.
> Don't be a sheeple or the wolves will eat you. ;-)

I'm sure i'll be fine.  However, a counter intelligence driven operation...i'd 
have to have some details as to exactly what that suggests.  I still maintain, 
if 9/11 was an inside job, we're all screwed more than you know.  That would 
mean every politician and nearly every officer above the rank of Colonel, along 
with thousands of others throughout the government are in on this.  It's too 
large and too vast for there to be a chance.  But like I said, we have a 
largely incompetent military and government, and that's why I don't believe it 
was pulled off.  However, i'm open minded enough to know I could be wrong.

you won't be hearing from me about this for at least a week or two on this 
forum.  If you reply to this, i'm not avoiding because I can't discuss any 
further, but i've discussed this subject a lot, and don't have the time for the 
next 2 weeks to continue.  I may try to research your reply in a month or so, 
but otherwise....good discussion points....peace out.


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