Very nice. Now I can go to bed, rest, and maybe not bother with this forum for 
some days. Thanks for posting this, a special way to end the day.

--- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> "What is the aim of all the beings? It is the attainment of infinite
> happiness. A life free from suffering, and the attainment of eternal
> happiness is what we want. Now, we should discriminate and analyze if there
> is anything in the world which can give us permanent, eternal happiness.
> From the ant up to the giant of the Creator, all are in the field of change,
> that is, relative values. Infinite happiness can only come from something
> which could be immortal, non-changing, eternal. This which is the goal of
> everything, this infinite, is our own Self. And in order to experience that
> Self which is the basis of all, we don't have to seek, we don't have to
> search, we don't have to make efforts. It's there, present everywhere.
> Wherever you are, in whatever reign of time or place, that Self is there -
> wherever we are in whatever time. Only, we have to take our awareness to
> that level and that is it. Having forgotten that level of life, we are
> seeking for that
> eternal happiness. That Self is. It is being and it is blissful. Having
> forgotten that, we now are seeking for it. We have forgotten what we
> ourselves are and we're trying to find that in the world. As long as we
> don't enter into that area which is infinite happiness, free from suffering,
> so long we will not be free from suffering and we will not get into that
> eternal happiness. There is no happiness of significant nature in the world;
> the child is gone, and the youth is gone, and the man is old, and even then
> he is not fulfilled in the world. When he gets established in the Self, then
> automatically freedom from suffering and attainment of bliss will be there.
> "That which is omnipresent doesn't have to be sought. It's there already.
> Start to be. That which is omnipresent is not to be sought; only our
> awareness has to be brought to that level and that bliss is there. You don't
> have to seek it. Understand? Unless we get into that omnipresent bliss,
> satisfaction is not going to come. If it were to come, it would have come by
> now through so many avenues in the world. But, it has not. Therefore, that
> which is the Self is your own being. You don't have to look in the outside.
> And, it is irrespective of any religious faiths or beliefs; Christians or
> Muslims or Hindus. That being is the knowledge itself. Only, you have to
> know. All these various manifestations of happiness that we experience in
> the world, they also are the manifestations of the same eternal being which
> is our own Self. If we are aware of the Self, if we know it, fine.
> Otherwise, we have to be. And, therefore, it is necessary to bring our
> awareness
> deep within ourselves. As deeply as we can bring our awareness to the Self,
> so intensely we can inherit that which is omnipresent in our day to day
> life. Having known that Self we will be eternally contented; remaining in
> the world we will live contentment. And, it's not a matter of detaching
> ourselves from the world. Only, we have to know It, and having known It,
> then, all different manifestations in the world will be experienced as
> manifestations of That. We don't have to detach ourselves. It is just a
> matter of bringing the awareness to that area, and be, and live It.
> "Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we have
> known that element of the Self, then we have really used this wonderful
> diamond-like gift, this diamond-like nervous system which is capable of
> giving that eternal bliss. If it is not experienced, then we have wasted
> that gift of diamond. We have taken upon ourselves this human nervous
> system, not for the sake of petty enjoyment of changing nature in this
> relative field of change, but to live and be that infinite bliss. And, we
> will have to attain that thing whether we attain it in this life, or in the
> next, or in the next. We just can't forego that. Therefore, with the
> assistance of the guru and the scriptures, better to attain it quickly. Why
> postpone?"
> Tat Wale Baba
> Translated from Hindi by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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