--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> * * All kulturkampf and kidding aside, TWB shows me that he understands, 
> appreciates, makes love to, IS the unspeakable and unthinkable core of who I 
> AM in a radically fundamental way that you and Curtis at this moment, as 
> lovable and charming and delightful and sincere and appreciative and 
> psychologically mature as you certainly are, do not. 

Bingo ! :-)

It never stops amazing me how some souls continue, as if forever, to critizise 
yogis whose words and meanings obviously escapes them.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > My opinion? Tat Wale Baba now knows you were right, Curtis. No 
> > one—anywhere—can refute the essential argument you have made here. All FFL 
> > readers who read your post and wish to discover where the flaw is in your 
> > critique of TWB (because of their feeling of loyalty to the Hindu 
> > metaphysic), will come up against something which eliminates any sense of 
> > true inspiration and grace to do this. In the deepest part of them, 
> > everyone (from the West at least) who carefully follows you in your 
> > analysis of TWB's disquisition recognizes: I cannot go deeper than Curtis 
> > here: I must hold onto my Hindu bias (as classically represented in what 
> > TWB says) out of mere faith; for the conviction density of realness inside 
> > Curtis's rebuttal defeats whatever supposed realness lies inside the words 
> > and consciousness of Tat Wale Baba.
> > 
> > It is the only thing I have ever read that might have even caused even me 
> > (in say 1975) intellectual and physiological vertigo. Because I would have 
> > (I have to believe this) recognized someone standing up for what is real 
> > against what, in comparison, comes off as unreal.
> > 
> > I have rejoined the Church of Curtis after this—in a manner of speaking. 
> > The existential scientist—never met one before. There simply exists no 
> > argument, and never has been, that could defeat the argument you have made 
> > here. It is the sanity of the West. I wish every seeker of Eastern wisdom 
> > (at least of the Maharishi variant) could read this. It would—you won't go 
> > along with this at all—prepare them for the shock of dying, because all of 
> > what you say here has to be part of that ultra-sane moment.
> > 
> > The soul of Tat Wale Baba experienced anguish and sorrow when he read 
> > Curtis's post. Because he knew: Goddamn: this guy is right. Now how did I 
> > (TWB) ever get taken on this trip? I should have attended on of *his* 
> > (CDB's) lectures; then I might have had a life.
> > 
> > Yeah, you have a life, Curtis. At the risk of offending most everyone at 
> > FFL: Tat Wale Baba, by definition of his philosophy did not have, and could 
> > not have, a life.
> > 
> > I have on online subscription to the New Yorker. I wonder why some of your 
> > pieces are not included there.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > >
> > > No he diii ent!  Curtis didn't try to pick apart the holy wisdom of the 
> > > Tater Tat and reduce it to his own limited and shrieklingly unenlightened 
> > > perspective, as if he and Tat were sharing a stage with Maury Povich. And 
> > > he starts it all off with the classic line "you don't know me, you don't 
> > > know me..."  Oh no he diii ent!
> > > 
> > > Till he did.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > "What is the aim of all the beings? It is the attainment of infinite
> > > > happiness. A life free from suffering, and the attainment of eternal
> > > > happiness is what we want.
> > > 
> > > No, no and no.  This is the dream of an idiot or a young person who has 
> > > not lived enough to know how to get the most out of life.   Infinite 
> > > happiness is as stupid as a goal as having infinite sunshine. I dig the 
> > > sun.  I really do.  But it was the setting of the sun that allowed me to 
> > > watch the moon rise tonight.  I like all sorts of things that at an 
> > > infinite level would destroy my creative life.  Infinite happiness is one 
> > > of them.  Don't want it, don't need it, and frankly think it is an 
> > > unreliable claim since I have seen even guys like Maharishi more pissed 
> > > of than I ever get, more unhappy, and radiating it out of his king baby 
> > > persona.  It is not only unattainable, it would be a disaster if it was.  
> > > It is dilaudid to a creative live which thrives on contrast.  And most of 
> > > my growth is preceded by me at first uttering the line "oh shit!."  That 
> > > is cuz we resist the very challenges that make us grow sometimes.  
> > > 
> > >  Now, we should discriminate and analyze if there
> > > > is anything in the world which can give us permanent, eternal happiness.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > No we really shouldn't. This assumptive idea is so thin.  It is flawed 
> > > from inception.  It is not the way to get the most out of life.  It is a 
> > > junkie's dream of a great life.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > From the ant up to the giant of the Creator, all are in the field of 
> > > > change,
> > > > that is, relative values. Infinite happiness can only come from 
> > > > something
> > > > which could be immortal, non-changing, eternal. This which is the goal 
> > > > of
> > > > everything, this infinite, is our own Self. And in order to experience 
> > > > that
> > > > Self which is the basis of all, we don't have to seek, we don't have to
> > > > search, we don't have to make efforts. It's there, present everywhere.
> > > > Wherever you are, in whatever reign of time or place, that Self is 
> > > > there -
> > > > wherever we are in whatever time. Only, we have to take our awareness to
> > > > that level and that is it. Having forgotten that level of life, we are
> > > > seeking for that
> > > > eternal happiness. That Self is. It is being and it is blissful. Having
> > > > forgotten that, we now are seeking for it. We have forgotten what we
> > > > ourselves are and we're trying to find that in the world. As long as we
> > > > don't enter into that area which is infinite happiness, free from 
> > > > suffering,
> > > > so long we will not be free from suffering and we will not get into that
> > > > eternal happiness. There is no happiness of significant nature in the 
> > > > world;
> > > > the child is gone, and the youth is gone, and the man is old, and even 
> > > > then
> > > > he is not fulfilled in the world. When he gets established in the Self, 
> > > > then
> > > > automatically freedom from suffering and attainment of bliss will be 
> > > > there.
> > > 
> > > There are so many assumptive concepts here.  Know your self is not a 
> > > simple instruction.  It presupposes so many perspectives of what our 
> > > "self" means.  I no longer share the view proposed my Maharishi's 
> > > Hinduism.  Any description of my self that does not lead with my personal 
> > > "relative" qualities is not me.  The silent part of my mind is not the 
> > > interesting part, to me or to others.  
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > "That which is omnipresent doesn't have to be sought. It's there 
> > > > already.
> > > > Start to be. That which is omnipresent is not to be sought; only our
> > > > awareness has to be brought to that level and that bliss is there. You 
> > > > don't
> > > > have to seek it. Understand? Unless we get into that omnipresent bliss,
> > > > satisfaction is not going to come. If it were to come, it would have 
> > > > come by
> > > > now through so many avenues in the world. But, it has not.
> > > 
> > > Another annoying assumption along the lines of "you are not saved."  His 
> > > only creative passion seems to be himself.  If he had an artistic 
> > > creative focus, or any other number of things that people devote their 
> > > lives to like research, he might find that badmouthing 
> > > "avenues in the world" was misplaced.
> > > 
> > > There are plenty of people who do not jump out of bed in the morning with 
> > > the excitement of what they can engage in that day to further their goals 
> > > and dreams.  Some of them never leave their caves and just imagine how 
> > > the rest of us live, uncharitably.  I would love for him to join me in my 
> > > day.  He might find out that it ain't so bad out here and that his 
> > > internal mind state is really NOT the most fascinating thing in the 
> > > universe.
> > > 
> > >  Therefore, that
> > > > which is the Self is your own being. You don't have to look in the 
> > > > outside.
> > > 
> > > Are we still giving out "you are profound stickers for this lame-o rap?"
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > And, it is irrespective of any religious faiths or beliefs; Christians 
> > > > or
> > > > Muslims or Hindus.
> > > 
> > > No, it is a Hindu concept of Self he is pitching and not being much of a 
> > > reader, he doesn't know what he doesn't know.
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  That being is the knowledge itself. Only, you have to
> > > > know. All these various manifestations of happiness that we experience 
> > > > in
> > > > the world, they also are the manifestations of the same eternal being 
> > > > which
> > > > is our own Self.
> > > 
> > > Then get off our backs about our happiness.  It is all the Self anyway 
> > > right?  So why assume that our self is somehow deficient in a way that he 
> > > imagines his is not.  Again, very, "I am saved but you are not". 
> > > 
> > > > If we are aware of the Self, if we know it, fine.>
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Cool, I'll take this option if it will shut you up for a minute.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > Otherwise, we have to be. And, therefore, it is necessary to bring our
> > > > awareness
> > > > deep within ourselves. As deeply as we can bring our awareness to the 
> > > > Self,
> > > > so intensely we can inherit that which is omnipresent in our day to day
> > > > life. Having known that Self we will be eternally contented; remaining 
> > > > in
> > > > the world we will live contentment.
> > > 
> > > Let me guess.  You are talking with a bunch of young people whose natural 
> > > agitation leads them to feeling unsettled in the world.  This is their 
> > > natural, appropriate state as they try a bunch of shit to find their way 
> > > in the world.  Check back with them in their 40's and upwards.  They will 
> > > be just as self assured as you are.
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  And, it's not a matter of detaching
> > > > ourselves from the world.
> > > 
> > > I'm thinking Maharishi might have thrown this in for his translation.  I 
> > > mean seriously, how would this guy know if it works without detaching 
> > > yourself from the world, unless your world is the longest dreadlock 
> > > growing competition. 
> > > 
> > >  Only, we have to know It, and having known It,
> > > > then, all different manifestations in the world will be experienced as
> > > > manifestations of That. We don't have to detach ourselves. It is just a
> > > > matter of bringing the awareness to that area, and be, and live It.
> > > > 
> > > > "Having gained this beautiful, perfect human nervous system, if we have
> > > > known that element of the Self, then we have really used this wonderful
> > > > diamond-like gift, this diamond-like nervous system which is capable of
> > > > giving that eternal bliss. If it is not experienced, then we have wasted
> > > > that gift of diamond.
> > > 
> > > Can I add that if you have not mastered a musical instrument in this 
> > > life, given our wonderful nervous system, you have also wasted your life? 
> > >  Or let's reduce it down to, "If you don't see things as I do then your 
> > > life is a waste."
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  We have taken upon ourselves this human nervous
> > > > system, not for the sake of petty enjoyment of changing nature in this
> > > > relative field of change, but to live and be that infinite bliss.
> > > 
> > > What you talk'n about, "petty enjoyment"?  Helping a child unfold their 
> > > learning potential is a changing thing but it is far from petty.  There 
> > > are a million careers that rise above this low bar of judgement. I got 
> > > yer infinite bliss right heagh! (insert hand gesture)
> > > 
> > >  And, we
> > > > will have to attain that thing whether we attain it in this life, or in 
> > > > the
> > > > next, or in the next. We just can't forego that. Therefore, with the
> > > > assistance of the guru and the scriptures, better to attain it quickly. 
> > > > Why> postpone?"
> > > 
> > > Cuz you haven't made your case that you are in some desirable state.  In 
> > > fact other than Maharishi telling us he was enlightened, we have no 
> > > evidence that he isn't another super religious guy spouting super 
> > > religious beliefs like the guy who tried to save me this weekend. (That 
> > > went well.)  The whole "I am London" is as smartass as it is self-serving.
> > > 
> > > So we are left with a guy living an odd lifestyle proclaiming that he has 
> > > it all figured out. A guy in a cave. And for all his talk about his own 
> > > superior state of bliss I know from a friend who tried to fetch him to 
> > > visit Maharishi in Rishikesh after his first visits that he was suffering 
> > > from cataracts, refused Maharishi's invitation and testily said "If 
> > > Maharishi wants to see me, he can come here."  I guess he got sick of 
> > > being summoned like a side show in Maharishi's foreign money funneling 
> > > circus.  So he sounds more like everyone's Uncle Mort than the guy who 
> > > has discovered the secrets of whatever. 
> > > 
> > > "So Mr' bigshot Maharishi wants me to walk on that crappy path again with 
> > > my cataracts and my hemorrhoids to his little palace because what, my 
> > > cave is not good enough for him?  What am I chopped liver here?  And I 
> > > know he is banging that little hottie on his veranda while I sit here in 
> > > my water dripping cave with the spiders and the biting flies and the 
> > > scorpions. oy vey, the other day I saw a snake!  I almost soiled my loin 
> > > cloth.  So you tell Mr. Guru of the ...what was their names again, 
> > > boaters...buttplugs...no Beatles...that's it, that if he wants some of my 
> > > stand up routine he can show up here at my joint with a two lassie 
> > > minimum for my set.  (I am thinking of re-working that London line to 
> > > "Madam, I am Hackensack.  Any city in New Jersey makes a line funnier!) 
> > > 
> > > Oh yeah, I may need a drum roll here:
> > > 
> > > In the end, "London" pumped 5 rifle slugs in the guy's back.  Anyone who 
> > > still thinks he was in tune with the universe and was God's big buddy has 
> > > the same low bar for friendship that Christians have accepting what he 
> > > did to his own son.  With friends like that who needs enemies. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Tat Wale Baba
> > > > Translated from Hindi by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> > > > http://www.yogiphotos.com/chap5d.html
> > > >
> > >
> >

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