Seriously could publish....all you need is a title...
A series of essays on ______ by ____________.
I don't know enough about whatever to think of a good title.  Your creative and 
loyal friends must have some good ideas.  Give up on the novel...too much for 
an addled brain to comprehend.  You must know someone in the publishing field :)
P.S.  Do I get a commission?

--- On Mon, 9/12/11, Bob Price <> wrote:

From: Bob Price <>
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy 
vs. Happy]
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, September 12, 2011, 9:12 AM



      In, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@...> wrote:


Bob, WTF?? You fucking retard your

strength is not dealing with others directly....

Lament for the death of my second wife (Herr Edelstein).


Mere words could never express how moved I was to hear from

you after all this time. I sincerely hope you didn't feel forgotten, or---for

that matter, forsaken. That could never happen. For me you're like a fine Super

Tuscan that needs aeration after its been corked.  And as with all men of the 
renaissance you're best saved for


You must be asking: "WTF Bubaji, I'm nobody's second

fiddle" and I couldn't agree more, but please let me explain. In Anglo Saxon

culture the second place is one of honor. Its been said, that's the reason

Shakespeare left his long suffering wife his second bed----the first being for

visitors. And of course---in Niel Gow's life affirming piece, the fiddle is the

second wife his lament refers to.

On the other (second) hand, my lament is for the

reality we must now embrace, as painful as it is, and---if not bury the hatchet,

bury Herr Edelstein; because as true as the day follows night you are no one's

second fiddle. And of course I must take full responsibility for this mistake

in thinking you would be prefect to open for Robin when we hit the road. This

all became too apparent with your previous last post when you wished me God

speed. I realized then that as my relationship with Robin grew in depth and

intimacy you felt jilted making your collaboration with our tour virtually

impossible. So that is my lament, but to quote my favorite Palestinian client:

"Business is business".

I have a number of things I hope to get your advice about, as

you know I've recently found myself in that brand new state of original 

you and your teammates are so familiar with. I had planned to seek Robins

advice (he, IMO, being the granddaddy of the whole (ness) shebang), but I'm a

little concerned about the over all stability of his recent re-cognition and it

might be advisable to wait till it settles a bit---his being a little more like

an early Californian that could be considered a touch fruity if corked too

early. In addition---despite his recent return to Unity--- he seems pre-occupied

with a new movie (Working title THE FIXER UPPER) in the bowels of the FFL

archives with our one and only truth commissioner. He wants me to get involved

but frankly I'm not sure it has legs (please don't tell him that because unlike

some others on FFL he has feelings).

In preparation for this exchange, I went back over some of

your recent posts, figuring----for someone I'm seriously considering as a

disciple, I should at least be prepared. In the process of reviewing these

recent posts I was disturbed to come across a thread called "Moving to LA”.

Don’t get me wrong, your move itself was not disturbing---as much as we hate to

lose you from the Bay Area, LA needs all the enlightened help it can get. 

No, what disturbed me---on a thread with such a high post

count, was that no one had the intestinal fortitude to approach the pink

elephant in the room. So as your #1 admirer, and possible "dispeller of

darkness", I have to bring it up no matter how much easier it would be to

pretend it's not an issue. 

So here goes. What about your therapist, is he planning to

move with you? I have to say finding an effective therapist is not as easy as

Hollywood would have us believe, and my God your therapist has helped you make

some strides. I mean he's helped you virtually eliminate the depressing half of

your manic depression. The transformation has been so complete I've wanted to

ask you his contact details. Granted, he hasn't been nearly as effective with

your tourette's, but I'm guessing he has a whole strategy for that, and now

you're pulling up stakes and heading south. I just want to make sure; you're


That said, I have to confirm how much I've been enjoying

your management of your tourette's. I think blending profanity with the scared

is a brilliant strategy.  For some

reason it reminds me of the time I met OSHO at the Hyatt in New Delhi,---I

believe you met him also---right after they threw him out of Oregon. I was

there negotiating a contract for Abu Dhabi with Engineers India LTD. (now those

guys knew how to drink). As I'm sure you know, at that time, the sixth floor of

the Hyatt was a hotel within a hotel with a lounge for business types that

served free drinks 24 hours a day.  OSHO arrived the second night of my 
stay---he was on his way to Pune, and

took half of the sixth floor. That would have been impressive enough, but what

really impressed me was that he dropped by the lounge late one night (everyone

but him being three sheets to wind) and basically shot the s**t while he

polished off some juice. A lovely man, not afraid of an off color joke, and I'm

sure a very great teacher.  

In addition to meeting him, the part this experience that is

interesting for me, was when I staggered back to my room late that night, and

passed out on the bed fully clothed, and then woke up in the morning laying in

the corner of the room naked and feeling great. The odd thing was that I was

shaved and appeared to have brushed my teeth, and I swear, seemed to have

emptied my bladder and completed my other business in the toilet. Of course, I

had no proof because the bathroom looked fresh liked it had never been used. 

My first thought was OSHO, having had a multi hour white

light experience ten years before on another continent, in another country, in

another hotel, in another room, beside another realized being. There are a

number of things---besides the divine, that could have explained my experience;

I had drunk a lot the night before, it turned out the building was sinking in

the direction of the corner I woke up in, and not to forget the head of the 

doll---made of solid hash, that I had bitten off and eaten before retiring for

the night. Any of these things could have explained my experience except for

the fact it happened three nights in a roll and I was completely sober on

nights two and three. OSHO and I checked out at the same time and as he floated

through the lobby, entourage in tow, I swear he turned in my direction and

winked. Like I said, a man of humor and deep enlightenment, to the very end.

This brings me to my last question. I had hoped to ask Why Now,

but as much as I believe he's beyond the mortal emotions of fear and

anger---hell even Big M exhibited those---he does seem a touch sensitive these

days, who wouldn’t be waking up with Shiva perched on the end of your bed

saying: "try keeping me waiting again pinhead". 

So my question is when Why Now speaks with Krishna, does

Krishna speak back? And if Krishna speaks back can we ask him questions? If so,

I know Robin and I would like to know when the Holy Spirit is coming back? If

some type of indulgence is required, just I send me a Pay Pal account. 

The second part of my last question has to do with fear and

my future, and since Why Now has evolved beyond fear, I'm thinking he could

answer this, and I'm hoping you'll ask him as I think he's not mad, mad about


My question is when I evolve beyond fear will it effect my

reaction time? This is a real concern for me because my reaction time, both

mental and physical, is one of my real vanities. For example, if the daughter,

Jack Russell, and myself are in our local McDonalds waiting for our Big N'

Tasty with Super Size, and some one goes postal---assuming I throw myself on my

loved ones after grabbing the nearest double-wide to use her as a human shield,

will my reaction time be as fast as before I've reached Why Now's level of


Just between you and me---please keep this between us---it

may be why I need you as a go between, many of the not realized, realized on

FFL, sound a bit---well you know, STEPFORD wives. I'm sure it's just me and

when I become a STEPFORD wife I'll understand better.

So my concerns about your therapist notwithstanding, I'm

thrilled you'll be living just down the road from Rancho Mirage as I'm looking

forward to possibly getting together on one of my day passes. I realize you

turn it up with your Internet voice, as I'm sure you know I turn it down with

mine. I have no doubt two not realized; realized party animals like you and me

could show them how it's done:

PS: WTF does shibboleth mean?

PPS: I have nothing but faith in your power to move mountains--- Siddha

yoni that I know you to be---so any visualization you can manage, for my day

pass, will be more than appreciated?

Yours in Yoga.


From: Ravi Yogi <>


Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 6:17:59 PM

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 

Bob, WTF?? You fucking retard your strength is not dealing with others 
directly. I'm glad you at least seem to be aware that you get mentally 
challenged under stress.

Your strength is to use your creative skills to mock others with beautiful, 
deceptive, cunning, low vibe, slime-ball, perverted posts. Stick to that.

P.S I'm still here waiting for my Friday special.

--- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:




> Judy,


> I'm sorry for the tardy response, I believe you know about my recent 
> challenges. Thank you for your post, its always a rare treat to hear from 
> you. In case its awhile before we are in touch again I want to mention how 
> much I enjoy your writing, you don't need me to tell you how talented you 
> are. That said, I'd like to drill down a bit on this word  "fascinated". I 
> don't think for a minute you are " fascinated" by me, but I think it may be 
> safe to say you seem "fascinated" by Barry. In fact, your fascination almost 
> seems ritualistic and reminds me of a talk I heard Maharishi give about 
> ritual and its importance in achieving a realized life. I was struck by how 
> he used the behavior of an heroin addict to underscore the commitment to 
> ritual needed to achieve enlightenment.  Anyway, thanks again, I appreciate 
> you thinking of me.






> ________________________________

> From: authfriend <jstein@...>

> To:

> Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 11:14:09 AM

> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy vs. 
> Happy]




> I'm always fascinated by the amazing double standards

> of those who feel the need to defend poor, victimized,

> well-intentioned, helpless Barry from his critics.


> I guess they really have no choice, though, since 

> there's very little to criticize in the critics' posts

> that Barry doesn't himself indulge in, in spades.


> --- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@> wrote:

> >

> > Sorry Jim, if I hit a button, I assumed buttons for

> > someone in your "spiritual state" were a bit harder to hit.

> > 

> > You wouldn't be getting angry would you? As we all know

> > anger is an agent of fear and fear will be a tough one to

> > reconcile with your enlightened narrative. 

> > 

> > PS: No need to send emails to me directly, I like to

> > share.

> > 

> >

> > 

> > PPS: Emailing with restraints on is almost as hard as proving 
> > enlightenment. 

> > 

> > 

> > ________________________________

> > From: whynotnow7 <whynotnow7@>

> > To:

> > Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 9:42:04 AM

> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy 
> > vs. Happy]

> > 

> > 

> > 

> > Are you celebrating Be An Asshole Day or something? I'm joking, though 
> > since you are displeased with every comment of mine, go away please.:-)

> > 

> > --- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@> wrote:

> > >

> > > 

> > > 

> > > I don't think I ever needed anyone to pick up my bar tab, nor have I 
> > > needed to 

> > > 

> > > pick up my own for more than a few decades. A little projecting going on 
> > > here, 

> > > 

> > > would that another of the many talents of your enlightened state?

> > > 

> > > 

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: whynotnow7 <whynotnow7@>

> > > To:

> > > Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 8:44:38 AM

> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: Blissy 
> > > vs. Happy]

> > > 

> > > 

> > > 

> > > Looking for someone to pick up your rather sizable bar tab, Bob?:-)

> > > 

> > > --- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hate to rain on your landslide bro, but wouldn't it make

> > > > more sense to ask your fellow posters who they'd rather have a drink 
> > > > with, you

> > > > or Turq? A bit like asking if they'd rather spend an hour 
> > > > withÃÆ'‚ Shirley Temple or

> > > > Steve McQueen? What do you think---or have you given that up too.

> > > > 

> > > > 

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > From: whynotnow7 <whynotnow7@>

> > > > To:

> > > > Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 3:09:02 PM

> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Excuses for avoiding liberation? [was Re: 
> > > > Blissy vs. Happy]

> > > > 

> > > > 

> > > > 

> > > > Yay! I win!!:-)

> > > > 

> > > > --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > 

> > > > > 

> > > > > --- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> 
> > > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "Think I'm kidding? Jim recently said essentially

> > > > > > this, after "seeing" that I have no interest in

> > > > > > "becoming liberated." (Even though I've said as

> > > > > > much many times.) His response seemed to me to

> > > > > > be coming from a place of total ego, and from an

> > > > > > assumed position of superiority. It's as if he

> > > > > > cannot even *conceive* of anyone who doesn't

> > > > > > claim to be all realized like him as his equal."

> > > > > > 

> > > > > > Stick with the easy stuff Barry. Of course I seemed to be coming 
> > > > > > from a place of total ego, as that is your resting place. Everyone 
> > > > > > is my equal as far as I am concerned. 

> > > > > > 

> > > > > > You really have a problem with someone saying they are liberated, 
> > > > > > kind of like an uneducated person who doesn't like college 
> > > > > > graduates. What you say above speaks more about your view of life 
> > > > > > than mine. 

> > > > > > 

> > > > > > On the one hand you say you don't care about liberation, yet you 
> > > > > > don't want anyone claiming it. That's neurotic Barry. I don't know 
> > > > > > what your problem is, but it sure as heck isn't me.

> > > > > > 

> > > > > > Maybe we should put it to a public forum vote. Who comes across as 
> > > > > > thinking they are superior to others, Barry or Jim?

> > > > > 

> > > > > 

> > > > > My vote goes to Barry the Turqo; the Superior Asshole :-)



>  Â 







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