Meditators, correction replaces mediators. lol.  I am my worst editor. : )

--- In, obbajeeba <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Very good review about TM and very great advice to the TMO!
>  Precisely why I read your posts, even if some are long winded, sometimes. 
> lol.   Note how I have to give a compliment with a cut down (it helps my self 
> esteem).   : )
> When people are comfortable, it makes them want things to come easy. The 
> focus on TM sold to PTSD of the military, the poor children and prisoners, is 
> because those have public money behind them and someone wants a piece of it, 
> but public money is going down the tubes with the economy. 
> Self esteem building is a great way to market TM, as you suggest. Only one 
> thing, those that are at the top, usually only get to stay at the top when 
> others need hero's or "rock stars," to honor and worship. If everyone felt 
> better about themselves, who would worship those who recorded a song 50 years 
> ago as a teenage boy except a bunch of  screaming girls with low self esteem 
> continuing into late adulthood? Marketability in the past has been based on 
> this principal?  
>  You turq, have a wonderfully great idea that the TMO needs to take 
> seriously. (You bad Buddha rubbing belly renegade, you.)
>  Self esteem. TM can help poor children be content to being poor. A PTSD 
> soldier feels content at all the carnage he has witnessed and participated 
> in. The prisoner, a locked up yogi. A wealthy movie star has a tax write off 
> and so on.
> If self esteem was always intended for the teaching of TM, it would be 
> present in may other ways, including most of Fairfield's non dome attending 
> mediators would be included in the WPA's and all and few would have their 
> badges taken away. 
> The pageant of ceremonial Raja's and the famous on display in TM, "Look, we 
> are great, do you want to be like us? You wish to gain just like your idols 
> and we meditate and that is how we do it."  
> (I am a TM meditator and I feel the Maharishi played a funny trick on his 
> team of Rajas. I think the Maharishi was not happy with them, but needed 
> them, but he knew he was getting old and closer to leaving the earth, and 
> what better way to point out the obvious, was to dress them up in gold crowns 
> and white robes (note the Indians don't wear them.)so we, real people doing 
> the techniques with nothing to gain, but self esteem would see the 
> difference. Sort of like, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes," except Maharishi 
> re-wrote the fairy tale a bit as he giggled knowing the knowers, will, "Get 
> it."  I, "get it." hahaha.
> If you ask most Indians in the movement about this, they would most likely 
> roar in laughter and forever be your friend. : )
> Because even if the self esteem is increasing for the average TMer, there is 
> still a caste system in the TMO, of who has the biggest wallet. The 
> government (public funding) appears to have the biggest wallet and that is 
> why the PR companies are hired by the TMO to present this idea to the masses. 
> Easy money and a tax right off. 
> Self esteem building works well in the private sector, but they may lose non 
> profit status and have to start paying taxes, but I am no expert in that 
> subject or any. lol. 
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > The last week or so has been Viewer Hell for this cinema addict. I've
> > had to wade through a number of TV pilots that I would never have spent
> > a moment on if a potential client hadn't asked me to review them. It was
> > a dismaying experience, but I think I learned something from it about
> > how the TMO should pitch its one salable product -- basic TM.
> > 
> > I actually looked forward to watching the first two episodes of
> > "Ringer," because it stars Sarah Jessica Parker, who I loved in "Buffy."
> > It had potential, in that it was actually SJP squared, playing twins.
> > Sadly, it had an unimaginative plot, and was full of unhappy, unlikable,
> > self-obsessed characters who between the lot of them couldn't come up
> > with a thimbleful of positive self esteem if their lives (and their
> > ratings) depended on it. As a TV writer, you should know you're in
> > trouble when the only admirable character in your show is a former
> > addict who now works as a NA counselor. Just sayin'.
> > 
> > Then I watched "2 Broke Girls," memorable only for Kat Dennings'
> > delivery of the punchlines of a series of low-rent sexual innuendo
> > jokes. Again, it's a show that is all *about* lack of self-esteem...look
> > at the title. Next came "New Girl," starring Zooey Deschanel, which was
> > the sole redeeming hour of the whole viewing experiment. Zooey is truly
> > adorable, and this show puts her in the spotlight, pretty much carrying
> > the whole series herself IMO, because I couldn't work up a bit of
> > empathy for any of the other characters or actors. Fortunately, I think
> > Zooey's up to the challenge, and this one may be a big hit.
> > 
> > But, at the same time, Zooey's character is lack of self esteem
> > incarnate. This poor self image is reflected back to her by her three
> > male roommates (who have a "Douchebag Jar" into which they have to
> > deposit money whenever they act like douchebags...and the jar is usually
> > full), her model friend, or any of the guys and gals they ineffectively
> > hit on while looking for love in all of the wrong places. Zooey's
> > character, ferchrissakes, still wallowing in an embarrassing breakup,
> > watches "Dirty Dancing" five or six times a day, sobbing through it. And
> > millions of viewers are going to tune in every week *to* watch her
> > wallow, because they do the same thing, and can identify with her and
> > her big, sad blue eyes.
> > 
> > So, what's my "takeaway" from seeing these TV shows? And how on earth do
> > I relate it to the TMO and how it should be marketing TM?
> > 
> > It's the common denominator -- lack of self esteem. If these are all
> > going to be popular TV series in America (and they probably all will),
> > watched weekly by millions of viewers, what are those viewers seeing
> > onscreen and identifying with that makes them want to come back week
> > after week for more? Lack of self esteem. Viewers can identify with
> > these characters because they feel that same lack themselves.
> > 
> > So I'm thinkin' could the TMO better market TM, if what they
> > *really* wanted to do was promote its practice, and get the most people
> > started with it? Duh. Pitch it as a way to feel better about yourself.
> > Instead of pitching it (via the DLF, pretty much the only teaching
> > effort being undertaken at this time) to at-risk kids, people in
> > prisons, and soldiers suffering from PTSD, get back to pitching it to
> > the Common Man. And as much as the groups of people mentioned above need
> > something that can boost their self esteem, after this week of watching
> > the TV shows they watch, I'm thinkin' that the Common Man can use a bit
> > of a boost themselves, and might be convinced to pay a reasonable price
> > for it.
> > 
> > Forget the flying crap; only dweebs want to learn to fly. Forget the ME
> > stuff; nobody believes it anyway. Get back to the SIMS days, stop
> > relying for your income on "milking the faithful," and start marketing
> > to new people, pitching something that is of actual interest to them.
> > Since the TMO will still feel that it has to do research to sell its
> > product, by all means do it. But do research on normal, everyday,
> > working people, and limit it to self-surveys of their general feelings
> > of self esteem and self worth before starting TM and then after a few
> > months of regular practice. I suspect you could come up with some real,
> > non-data-massaged results from such studies that would show that TM has
> > a real benefit in this area.
> > 
> > Then go out and pitch *that* as a reason for learning TM. Lower the
> > price at the same time to make it more reasonable for your target
> > audience, and limit what you teach people to the basic mechanics of TM.
> > Don't try to "cross sell" the Sidhis or enlightenment; mention them once
> > during the basic course, and then don't bring them up again unless
> > someone actually *asks* about them. In other words, focus on your one
> > salable product, and pitch it at the thing that millions of Americans
> > are actually interested in -- self esteem and how to have more of it.
> > 
> > I think it might sell. At $300 a pop, which I feel is a fair price, and
> > marketed as a self-therapy for people who want to feel more comfortable
> > with themselves, I think TM is still a marketable commodity. Beats the
> > crap out of spending many times that amount on mood-elevators and
> > anti-depressants. But to market TM successfully to the Common Man, IMO
> > its sellers really need to dump all the baggage TM comes with these
> > days, which almost no one but the current faithful are interested in.
> > It's an uphill battle to try to sell Eventual Enlightenment, and being
> > essentially "broken" or unfulfilled until it happens, to an audience
> > that is already suffering from an epidemic lack of self esteem. Sell
> > them what they're looking for -- a way of becoming more comfortable with
> > who they already are.
> >

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