How a society treats ALL of its citizens even the worst among us says more 
about how "enlightened" that society is than anything else.
As long as a society kills people in cold blood than its soul is still being 
dominated by its basest instincts.

--- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@...> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2011, at 7:32 PM, shanti2218411 wrote:
> > Whether or not Troy Davis is guilty is irrelevant
> >     to the question of whether executing a human being
> >     is a legitimate form of punishment.
> >     The justification for the death penalty rests on
> >     a # assumptions which include 1) society has the moral right to 
> >     kill human beings for committing a criminal act,2)the criminal
> >     justice system can administer the death penalty w/o risk of kill-
> >     ing an innocent person, and 3) in case # 2 is incorrect, the 
> >     death one or more innocent persons is warranted in order to 
> >     preserve society's prerogative to kill human beings for committ-
> >     ing a criminal act.IMHO a society that make the above assumptions
> >     is indulging in blood lust which has nothing to do with justice.
> As for #1, a lot of societies don't feel they do 
> have that right~~the US is increasingly unique and
> increasingly isolated in still believing it does.
> #2 will always be impossible.  We're humans, we err.
> All the more reason to abolish it.
> And #3 is all the more horrible to imagine in that lightÂ…
> what if that one innocent person is your brother, son,
> father, etc.
> To get a more realistic picture of how seriously isolated
> we've become, here is a chilling stat:
> "2011: As of 5 May 2011 executions have been reported in the following 9 
> countries during 2011: Bangladesh, China, Iran, North Korea, the Palestinian 
> Authority, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, USA."
> Great group to be a part of, right?
> I'm sure we'll now hear all sorts of rationales about 
> damn lies and statistics, etc. Anything to avoid
> acknowledging we are increasingly way off the deep
> end from what most other countries who have our levels
> of prosperity do, increasingly isolated, belligerent
> and hostile to anything save our own interests.
> Sal

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