--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > Supremes took *four hours* to decide to reject the
> > request for a stay. Why didn't that in and of itself
> > suggest to them that "beyond a reasonable doubt"
> > didn't apply in this case?
> >
> The death penalty is barbaric. There was so much media hoopla in support of 
> Troy Davis, mostly emphasizing recanted testimony, I began to wonder what 
> evidence got him convicted "beyond a reasonable doubt" in the first place. I 
> don't know exactly what the Supremes talked about for four hours, but if they 
> limited their review to the evidence in the original case, it's doubtful that 
> people changing their minds about what they saw 20 years ago figured into 
> their decision.
> I had a feeling I could get another slant on the story if I went to 
> Sure enough conservative wingnut, Red State had some 
> details about the case not reported by the media. Red State wingnuts cheer 
> Rick Perry for executions in Texas. It's no surprise their article is biased 
> against Davis.
> According to Red State there were 34 witnesses, not 9. Only two of the 9 
> changed their testimony materially. Police obtained obtained clothing from 
> Davis' home with MacPhail's blood without a warrant. It was never brought 
> into evidence. There were gun casings matching Davis' gun in a previous 
> shooting.
> Given the botched collection of evidence, IMO Davis might have been found not 
> guilty if he had had good legal representation. The police screwed up, they 
> were certain Davis shot MacPhail and didn't want him to get away with murder, 
> so they fixed the case against him. I don't know, just sayn'. It's just sad 
> they had to kill him.
> The media, the well-spring of hype and propaganda, does the bidding of 
> corporations. Whenever they're over-selling a story, I begin to wonder who, 
> besides the media, will profit most from the hype. Since privatized prisons 
> are more interested in slavery than punishment these days, maybe Davis is the 
> guy they're using to get rid of the death penalty. Take your pick, death or 
> slavery. Sucks.

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