--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > As like that last Youtube thing Turqb posted was completely 
> ? un-called for and un-needed in the flow of what was a thoughtful 
> > and uplifting spiritual conversation. I wish the list moderators 
> > here would do a better job of screening the members and what 
> > gets published here.  
> Does anyone else get the feeling that "Buck" is so
> out of it that he doesn't even realize that the clip
> I posted is from one of David Lynch's (the TMO's "most
> spiritual person," since he is literally the only one
> promoting TM at this point) movies? 
> "Buck" made the point of saying that he hoped that the
> poor, depraved Rhianna could be "saved" by David Lynch.
> I merely posted a clip showing how thoroughly that the
> current TMO Poster Boy saved the virtue and the image
> of *his own wife* in that film.
> I'm thinkin' that if there is anyone trying to drag the
> flow of spiritual conversation down to a new low, it's
> the organization that would promote David Lynch as a 
> role model.

Om now I am more enlightened by Turqb.  Okay, Turqb could stay.  It is David 
Lynch though by evidence who should be restricted from posting here or there 
being any mention of him or his pornographic works until he gets right.  
Evidently facilitating the knowledge or even being a TM teacher is not enough. 
Being a an energetic corrupter of the spiritual in people is manifestly mortal 
sin.  I would hope the mmoderators of this list would protect the community 
here from any further mention of David Lynch.

-Buck on the road   

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