--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> >
> > On Oct 20, 2011, at 8:25 AM, feste37 wrote:
> > 
> > > Oprah spent 7 hours in Fairfield, apparently. Landed at 
> > > Fairfield airport at ll and stayed until 6. Visited the 
> > > Maharishi School as well as the Dome.
> > > 
> > > Poor Turq reminds me of the way the right-wing attacks 
> > > Obama. "He's a socialist! He's a Muslim! He hates America! 
> > > He's an illegal immigrant!  Why can't you all see that?" 
> > > Of course, sensible people make their own judgments and 
> > > see that such attacks are all nonsense, which is why Obama's 
> > > personal popularity remains reasonably high. Same with TM. 
> > > Those who are not infected with hatred and malice are capable 
> > > of making fair judgments about what it has to offer. 
> > 
> > And of course your attempt to dodge a perfectly 
> > logical question doesn't reflect "hatred and malice"
> > or, for that matter, condescension, right?  In
> > case you forgot, here it is again:
> > 
> > "Why wasn't she denied a dome pass for "seeing other
> > teachers" such as Eckhart Tolle? You would be, after
> > all." 
> > 
> > Dodge all you want, of course.  But it leaves you 
> > with zero credibility.  Not that you exactly had much
> > before.
> Might I remind everyone of a Subject line I wrote
> recently, "You don't believe what we believe, 
> therefore you hate it...and us." 
> All cultists are the same. If they've been indcoc-
> trinated to believe in the "all positive" nature
> of their cult or its teacher or its teachings, 
> there is a tendency to react to any criticism of
> them by 1) lashing out at the critics, 2) calling
> them liars, 3) and accusing them of the same hatred
> that they themselves are *demonstrating*.
> As Sal points out, all I did in my first post is
> ask a viable question. Why *wasn't* Oprah Winfrey
> denied a dome pass, when feste and Nabby and shukra
> all would have been denied a pass if they admitted
> to "seeing" the same teachers that Oprah has? My bet 
> is that none of the TBs will address this question. 
> My second post was merely questioning why (if it turns
> out to be true) Oprah's staff haven't been doing their
> job by properly "vetting" any potentially controversial
> subject before allowing her to go all Oprah on it on
> her show? Seems to me she'd want to know about all of
> this stuff. 
> What they're objecting to IS her knowing about it. 
> They would prefer that Oprah only heard the "good
> stuff," the positive stuff that is the veneer of
> the TMO, and never get to see below the surface.
> My suggestion is that this is no longer likely to
> happen, the way it did back during the Merv days.
> The Internet has changed everything in terms of
> freedom of information. If nothing else, anyone
> who Googles "Oprah" and "TM" will find these
> threads on Fairfield Life. They'll pop right
> to the top.
> Interestingly, I would have *no objection* to TM 
> becoming popular again and being taught widely,
> with a number of caveats. First, it should be taught
> for what it's worth -- maximum $75.00 US.

Are you going to set prices for all goods and services, or just TM?

> Second, it
> should be taught "standalone," as a simple technique
> of meditation, and not as a "gateway drug" to the 
> TMO's other, far more expensive courses.

Are you going to regulate all bundled products and services or just TM? (No 
bundling I-tunes with I-phones!)

> Third, that
> other than providing free checking, there is no 
> attempt by the TMO to "upsell" new meditators and
> get them to learn the sidhis or move to Fairfield
> and become part of the dome scene.

You sort of get the pattern by now. However your ideas have merit. Command and 
Control economies. What a brilliant idea. And by the way, M. may love your 
idea. "Command and Control, hmmm, very good."   

> But that's never going to happen. TM *is* being
> marketed as the gateway drug to a cult. 

Is Apple a cult? Is the NFL a cult? 

[ obligatory :) since humor, or weird attemtps to simulate such,  sometimes is 
misread here.

>Its leaders
> won't be happy until everyone who signed up for a 
> simple technique "practiced 20 minutes morning and
> evening" has completely changed their lives to revolve
> around spending several hours a day "in the domes." 
> And Oprah Winfrey should know that before she backs 
> the simple 20/20 technique on her show. There is not 
> a chance on earth that the TMO will *not* attempt to 
> suck new meditators into the larger organization, 
> and try to indoctrinate them the way its now-aging 
> membership has been indoctrinated for decades. The 
> public should be aware of this "upselling" *before* 
> they start TM. 
> What the TBs who are trying to demonize me for
> saying this are afraid of is that the public WILL
> become aware of this. The TBs would prefer that
> they hear only the PR version of TM. And they'll
> lash out like the cultists they are at anyone who
> suggests that the public has a right to know more.
> They'd rather keep them in the dark. Not gonna
> happen. The world has changed since the Merv days.

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