I've been on retreats with a few different groups. Most have similar dynamics 
and similar personalities: 

1.) Your ass-kissing sycophants
2.) Self-styled -new age guru wannabees
3.) Movement police types
4.) Spiritually greedy - take every course they can find 
5.) Permanently unhappy complainers
6.) Fixers, who wanna fix everybody
7.) Needy sex players - who use courses to get laid 
8.) The know-it-all doctrine parrots
9.) Let's not forget - genuine seekers...there are a few. 

There are a couple of things I like about AOL - 
1.) They let you own your own stuff - that is, they don't coddle you. 2.) They 
really do know how to have a very fun time.

Haven't been for a few years, but I was very shocked on my first course when 
after is was over everyone piled into a van to go see Amma - and the course 
leaders thought that was cool. I genuinely like the people I've met there. I am 
on hiatus from groups though.

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