I think it would require 8000 'Guru Devs' in order to have a real World effect, 
then, they would actually be functioning from the 'home of all the laws of 
nature', IMHO. (And not just a faint awareness of it, which is significant but 
not enough in itself).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Just as a followup, I'd love to hear someone -- anyone -- try to make a
> rational case, based on real, accepted science, for how it could be
> actually *true* that a few people, grunting and bouncing on their butts
> in some padded room, could produce world peace. I don't think you can do
> it.
> What I expect those who respond to do is to try to trot out all the
> rationalizations for this bit of crazy trotted out by TMO Maharishi
> apologists *after the fact*, after he had already proclaimed it to be
> truth. The proclamation came first. And for most, that was all that was
> necessary. Whatever he said WAS by definition truth, because of the
> magic word "Maharishisez."
> But, knowing that they'd now have to go out and convince sane people of
> the truth of this bit of insanity, then the apologists "piled on" to
> create rational-sounding "explanations" for the obviously irrational.
> The quantum bullshitters dug into esoteric phenomena that have no
> relevance to anything *except* on a quantum level and tried to use
> bullshit theory to baffle the easily baffled. Then the social scientists
> started to gather data, carefully cherry-pick and massage it, and make
> it look as if the results were actually caused by what they "knew" to be
> the real cause. And again, they "knew" this in advance, because of the
> magic word "Maharishisez." It could never even *occur* to them that he
> might be wrong, or worse, bat shit crazy, because that possibility
> couldn't enter their heads. Therefore the "proof" that what he'd said
> was true MUST be out there, and it was their job *as* apologists to
> either invent it as quantum bullshit theories or "prove" it by faking or
> massaging data.
> I'd just like to see someone forget that all these apologetics were ever
> trotted out and try to come up with a rational, real-world-science
> explanation for how they think the ME could possibly work. No woo woo,
> no New Age BS, no quantum bullshit. Just everyday, accepted science. I
> wait with 'bated breath for your attempts.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > The sense of near-desperation with which some on this forum are hoping
> > that Oprah is the "new Merv" and that TM is finally on the upswing
> again
> > left me thinking about its past, and trying to pinpoint where it all
> > went wrong. Many have speculated on this forum about what that "phase
> > transition moment" was, the point at which it all began to unravel and
> > go downhill. For many (including luminaries like Charlie Lutes and
> Jerry
> > Jarvis), that point was the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program. Me,
> I
> > have a different theory, and I'm going to rap about it in a little
> > mini-essay today. Be warned...this may be a little long (although not
> > the length of Robin's epics), and it may piss a few people off. But
> it's
> > what I honestly believe.
> >
> > I cannot pinpoint the exact day or month or year in which TMers went
> > officially bat shit crazy (some TM historian type here may be able to
> do
> > that for us), because I'd already left before it happened. But I can
> > pinpoint its nature, and what was said -- and believed -- that caused
> > everything after that point to be a loony bin. It's the day that
> > Maharishi first tried to convince people that bouncing on their butts
> on
> > slabs of foam in a big room full of other butt-bouncers could end
> crime,
> > change the weather, and bring about world peace.
> >
> > This pronouncement almost certainly predated the term "Maharishi
> > Effect," which was invented later to glorify his pronouncement, and
> > "scientific data" made up to make it seem true. But from my point of
> > view the fact that ANYONE believed this spiel for even an instant
> > signifies the "phase transition point" from relative sanity to total
> > madness.
> >
> > Try it yourself by performing your own scientific experiment. Go out
> > onto the street and pick someone at random, and tell them several
> things
> > that you believe. First, tell them what you heard when you first
> learned
> > TM -- that it was good for you, and that the deep rest enabled you to
> > function more efficiently and with less stress. You will probably get
> a
> > general agreement with this. Then say that it is your belief, based on
> > scriptures and reported historical instances and such, that some
> humans
> > can develop special powers and abilities (the siddhis) that others
> have
> > not, and possibly even levitate. No one's likely to call you crazy for
> > this, because it is after all a matter of belief, and is no weirder
> > after all than believing in a heaven filled with angels playing harps
> or
> > that Christ walked on water.
> >
> > But now tell them that you believe that a number of people as special
> as
> > yourself generate so much Woo Woo by grunting and bouncing around on
> > their butts on slabs of foam that THEY CAN CREATE WORLD PEACE, all by
> > themselves, with no further action needed. My bet is that the
> strangers
> > you've selected for this experiment are going to start edging away
> from
> > you nervously, if not actually running down the street away from you.
> > The very idea is absurd, and based on a level of self-importance that
> > most people on the planet associate only with full-blown insanity.
> >
> > As I've said, I'd left the TMO before Maharishi ever started talking
> > about this. If I'd still been there I would have laughed in his face
> and
> > walked out of the room, never to return. So I find it difficult to
> > imagine people listening to it and being SO self-absorbed and
> > self-important that they actually bought it.
> >
> > The TM-Sidhis were originally introduced as a means to an end, a way
> to
> > speed up the enlightenment process. There was not a WORD about what
> > performing them might do for anyone else. That only came later, after
> a
> > number of people had actually learned the siddhis and (surprise!)
> > neither siddhis nor enlightenment had appeared. The whole original
> > "selling point" of getting people to pay thousands of dollars to learn
> > them had been revealed to be false. So Maharishi had to do *something*
> > to try to get people to keep doing them, and to entice new people to
> > learn them.
> >
> > Voila. The "group consciousness" thang. What began as mere pragmatism
> > (finding a room somewhere and chipping in to get a discount on slabs
> of
> > foam rather than each person buying some for their own home) was
> turned
> > into an exercise in Woo Woo. "Doing program" in a group was presented
> as
> > being Good In Itself. You were "off the program" if you *didn't* do
> your
> > program in a group. Hierarchies were invented to make the
> butt-bouncers
> > "higher" and more important than "mere meditators." Dogma was invented
> > about how powerful the group Woo Woo was, and how its peace-causing
> > properties were even more important than individual enlightenment.
> This
> > proved an easy sell to the gullible, because their own experience had
> > already shown them that neither real flying nor enlightenment were
> right
> > around the corner. They believed the insanity being told to them and
> > shifted their allegiance to altruism and "doing it for the world."
> >
> > That's my theory of The Day It All Changed. Maybe someone here was
> > around *on* that day, and can pinpoint when they first heard it. Maybe
> a
> > few of you can try to explain why you chose to believe it. As I've
> said,
> > I was long gone by that time, and was so distanced from the TMO and
> its
> > craziness that I didn't even know this "dogma shift" had taken place
> > until I heard about it years later on groups like
> > alt.meditation.transcendental. People started talking about the
> > "Maharishi Effect" as if it were a real thing and as if everyone
> should
> > know what they were talking about, and I had no clue. When they
> > explained it to me I remember laughing for about fifteen minutes at
> what
> > I'd heard, and how bat shit crazy it was.
> >
> > I honestly think that's the day everything shifted over into total bat
> > shit craziness. MORE bat shit crazy followed, such as being terrified
> to
> > enter a building from the wrong direction and people paying a million
> > dollars to dress in robes and crowns and call themselves kings of an
> > imaginary country, but the "phase transition moment" for me was that
> day
> > when Maharishi announced that bouncing on your butts on slabs of foam
> > could bring about world peace. And people were so gullible, so
> > guru-whipped, and so in need of something to feel self important about
> > that they believed it.
> >

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