Tom Pall:
> > Guess that allowed him to forge wills at the end.
> > 
> Do you have any new evidence to support your claim 
> that MMY forged SBS's will? 
So, I assume not.

"This [new] Will was written in December 1952 and was 
deposited at that time. The Interim Committee obtained 
a copy of the Will from the Registrar's Office, in which 
was written a perfect elaboration and explanation of the 
management of the Peeth (the seat of Shankaracharya), 
and in the Will was also the kram (series) of uttaradhikar 
(those who the inheritance would revert to)."


Extract from `Shri Shankaracharya Upadesha'
pages 20-23 of the newsletter of Shankaracharya
of Jyotishpeeth
Published 20th July 1953

'Shri Shankaracharya Upadesha' newsletter was translated 
from Hindi to English by Premanand Paul Mason, April 2011

> "Only the lineage of Vasudevananda (through Santananda)
> can be traced directly to Brahmananda, without any
> interruptions." - Vidyasankar Sundaresan
> Read more:
> The Cook Did It!

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