Very nice perception of your FFL mind. How many voices are you actually hearing?

You may be correct with the wtf thing. Also, the right brain captured this:
and then she danced backwards afterwards, then switched back again and again 
and she couldn't make up her mind. 
The heart, yes, thank you. From the heart. : )

--- In, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:
> I was thinking about this electronic mind space we call FFL, and decided I 
> would write down my impressions of everyone on here, taken from the most 
> recent posting count – (the numbers next to each name are their last 
> cumulative posts). I didn't do any further "research" on anyone, just put the 
> names into Word and started writing. Here's what I came up with:
> 45 Yifu  - your picture postings are prolific enough that I don't look at all 
> of them, though the choices I have seen are always provocative and sometimes 
> spectacular.
> 34 Bhairitu – you seem like a mellow guy, techie too, and media guru. 
> 31 turquoiseb- always taking the opposite slant, excellent writer, I enjoy 
> your stuff most when you are doing a snapshot of your interesting 
> surroundings. Just my preference. 
> 30 whynotnow7- what can I say? Its me.
> 29 authfriend- I enjoy your writing immensely Judy. Always a lighthouse of 
> consistency. And some of your stuff is downright hilarious!  
> 24 Ravi Yogi- "The Mad Yogi" – I know you are eminently sane though you put 
> on a very entertaining act for us all, bruvva.
> 19 seventhray1- despite your infamous buffet incident, you have the driest 
> humor here. Arizona. I like it , though leaves me parched sometimes. 
> 19 cardemaister- word master from way up near the artic circle. I often read 
> your stuff and enjoy the vibrations both Finnish and Sanskrit. You have 
> posted some great musical vids too.   
> 18 Buck- You are all heart Iowa farmer to me, with a devotional streak a mile 
> wide. God bless you.  
> 17 obbajeeba- wtf? Right brain all the way! Highly puzzling sometimes and 
> other times, straight into the heart. Bulzeye.  
> 16 Mark Landau- Sincere deep guy trying his damnedest to sell a pair of 
> shoes.:-)  
> 15 maskedzebra – A thicket of flowers, and it all grows and changes so fast. 
> Kind of a psychedelic writing, though coherent too. An instant addition to 
> the cyber thought parade.
> 15 Denise Evans- An admirable addition to the mindshare. 
> 14 nablusoss1008- the aurora borealis.    
> 14 John- sorry, not sure which John this is.    
> 13 wgm4u- TM is not a religion, but religion helps. Can't argue with that.    
> 13 richardwillytexwilliams- you seem like a good guy from what I can tell.    
> 10 Bob Price- Hey Bob – I hope you are having a good year. You strike as 
> extremely quick minded, with a full life.          
> 9 curtisdeltablues- You are someone to grab a Thai ice tea or a shot of Navan 
> with, and yack up a storm.           
> 9 Xenophaneros Anartaxius – Keen mind – you obviously enjoy describing models 
> of reality, and I sometimes enjoy walking around inside of them.          
> 7 Tom Pall- straight up. You are like a shot of silver tequila, lemon and 
> salt.       
> 7 Rick Archer- Hi, you are the only one on here who I have actually met in 
> person, in 1978, Livingston Manor, NY. Last snow was in May. First snow was 
> in July. I did see the Northern Lights a number of times up there.         
> 5 Vaj – who knows? Its all about religion with you.          
> 5 Sal Sunshine- Less is more. A spare and lively presence here.           
> 4 merudanda – keep confusing you with obbajeeba.      
> 3 stevelf- who?   
> 3 pranamoocher- probably the best "cyberhandle" on here.  
> 3 martyboi -      
> 3 Duveyoung – the guy who rides the weird tricycle thing, somehow related in 
> your writing to maskedzebra in the intensity and depth.      
> 2 emptybill- the clearest name and form on here. I can hear the winds blowing 
> through your open soul.      
> 2 Richard Mays- TMO ad guy. Thank you for the free subscription!     
> 2 Alex Stanley- seems like you are having fun.       
> 1 shukra69- devotion.        
> 1 seekliberation-         
> 1 raunchydog – always like your postings. Well written and clear, to the 
> point. Light and decisive at the same time.          
> 1 merlin- Is it the old fellow who comes on here ranting and raving?       
> 1 johnt – unfortunately I don't know which john you are.         
> 1 gullible fool – a gentle soul.          
> 1 eustace10679- hmmmm           
> 1 azgrey- second driest wit on here, next to seventhray.           
> 1 Susan—another clear and gentle soul. I always enjoy reading your postings.  
> 1 "martin.quickman"- was that spam?

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