> "Even the present acarya  of the disputed Kanchi 
> vidyapith, Swami Jayendra Saraswati, names 
> Swarupananda as the proper claimant..."
There is not one shred of evidence that the Adi 
Shankara founded a fifth matha to oversee all the 
other four mathas. If he had done so, he would have 
said so, would he not? 

Or, one of his famous desciples would have said so, 
would they not? 

Or, at least ONE historian or archaeologist would 
say so, would they not? 

Since, the Adi Shankara did not say that he founded 
a fifth matha, and since none of the Adi's desciples 
say that the he founded a fifth matha, and since NO 
historian or archaeologist has ever maintained that 
the Adi Shankara founded a fifth matha, a reasonble 
person might conclude that the Adi did not found a 
fifth matha, would he not? 

And, since the Shankaracharya of Sringeri and the 
Shankaracharya of Dwarka both deny that the Kanchi 
matha is an Amnya Matha, even a bhogi such as yourself 
would reasonably conclude that the Adi Shankara did 
not found a fifth matha to oversee all the rest, would 
he not? 

And, considering that the Kanchi math seer is in jail
on murder charges, a reasonable person would not even
probably bring the subject up, would he?

'The Truth about the Kumbhakonam Math'
by Sri R. Krishnaswamy   
Aiyar and Sri K. R. Venkatraman, Sri Ramakrishna 
Press, Madurai, 1977. 

'Kanchi Kamakoti Math - a Myth'
by Sri Varanasi Raj Gopal Sarma,   
Ganga Tunga Prakashan, Varanasi, 1987.

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