I just can't help myself.
If the typical form follows, we should be hearing shortly about Curtis
and Marek as examples of  "high value posters".  But really, isn't the
"manly" thing to do just stop posting, without the long pre-amble, 
"Okay guys, I putting everyone on notice.  I may quit posting soon", 
followed by, "Okay everyone, I really, really mean it this time.  I may
see fit to end my participation here."  Jesus man, just do it or not do
it, but quit the whining.  It does not become you.
Remember this.  Now here's a man!  Make to at least the brass balls near
the end.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
>   So the time may be approach-
> > ing in which I'm not gonna find anything posted here inter-
> > esting enough to reply to. It's all been done to death and
> > argued endlessly *in exactly the same words* for decades
> > now. SO been there, done that.
> We are not worthy!
> Actually, I think if Barry wanted to be honest about it, his posting
> here is more akin to what we probably all did at least once or twice
> when we were eight year olds - namely ringing someone's door bell and
> then running away.
> I mean, sheesh, if you are into pushing peoples buttons, why not stick
> around every once in a while instead of going and hiding behind a

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