> > Why would I > > want to vote against McCain and Levin?
> > 
> So, do you want to be captured in your 
> own backyard and detained indefinitely 
> in an undisclosed location without access 
> to a lawyer, or a trial? You're not making 
> any sense.
You're not making any sense.
"In a floor statement Thursday, Levin
noted that Obama would retain the ability
to determine whether suspects remain in
civilian custody or be transferred to the
military, as well as whether they'd be
charged in civilian courts or before a
military commission.

The lawmaker said the provision expressly
allows the FBI or other civilian agencies
to continue ongoing probes or interrogations.
And he said the language excludes all U.S.
citizens and immigrants in the country

'Obama Threatens Veto of Defense Authorization Bill'
National Journal:

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