
'fer him ever nee shal bend an ever hed shal bow

hall i u e yah

--- In, "johnt" <johnlasher20002000@...>
> MMY  "what you put your attention on grows"
> According to both original Christian Churches the Name "Jesus" was the
"Word to be transcended on having the actual presence of the divine in
what the Name signifies.
> Meditation on the Name "Jesus" has been practiced continuously in the
Christian tradition. Eastern Orthodox Christians call this practice the
"Jesus Prayer" and use it as either a phrase or just focus on the name
> In the current times this tradition has been formalized in the
Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, Scriptures, and Eastern Orthodox
> Fr. Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary.
> "For ancient Christianity and for Eastern Orthodoxy through the ages,
the very name "Jesus, Yeshua, Joshua" is the presence and the power of
the Person of Christ himself. When you say that name, he is there. When
you invoke that name, Jesus is present. His power is present. His might
is present. His saving power is present. He is present! It's a parousia.
It's a parousia before the presence of the Lord at the end of the ages,
and at the end of the ages is when every knee in heaven and on earth
will bow down before him to the glory of God the Father."
> Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church
> CCC 2666 But the one name that contains everything is the one that the
Son of God received in his incarnation: JESUS. The divine name may not
be spoken by human lips, but by assuming our humanity The Word of God
hands it over to us and we can invoke it: "Jesus," "YHWH saves. The name
"Jesus" contains all: God and man and the whole economy of creation and
salvation. To pray "Jesus" is to invoke him and to call him within us.
His name is the only one that contains the presence it signifies. Jesus
is the Risen One, and whoever invokes the name of Jesus is welcoming the
Son of God who loved him and who gave himself up for him.

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