From: Vaj <>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 6:30:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to 

On Dec 2, 2011, at 4:06 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

"Intuition of a snail": this is interesting, because this I consider the most 
developed part of me—and I have felt this to be the case since I was even a 
baby, when I started having my own thoughts. Again, I would like you to 
present—just for *my sake*—examples of my failure of intuition. (Assuming that 
you are not some biologist who has studied the intelligence of snails—and you 
mean this as a compliment—in that case it would another instance of having 
misinterpreted you.)

Something worth considering: if you're able to discern, or feedback from others 
has lead you to believe that you may have or hold some narcissistic tendencies, 
could it be you are overestimating your own intuitive powers? Is that at least 
a possibility?

For example, I always thought your sussing of Doug K. as "an old sage" (or was 
it "ancient"?) was at least apropos contextually. But it could have been a 
mis-extrapolation of the fact that D. left numerous natural pregnant pauses in 
his speech - a natural part of who he was, the natural silence I felt he had, 
in his mindstream. As the Rig Veda says, some friends are like mud puddles - 
others are like deep lakes you can vanish into (gross, rough paraphrase).

D. was the latter in my opinion. It was actually those deep silences that made 
him so pleasurable to be around.

I remember asking him, after the fact, if he knew who the sage was you had 
suggested. My memory's vague at this point - but I thought he said he had asked 
you, and you either did not know or gave a vague answer. Surely you remember 

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