Perhaps it's this book? :

Cosmic Capitalism, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Selling of Romanticism. 
(Albany: State University of New York Press, Forthcoming, Fall 2009). 
Co-written with Cynthia Humes.

On Dec 3, 2011, at 1:28 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

> Dana Sawyer has written a book on the TM Movement, and needs some photos. 
> Please see below and let me know if you can help:
> I'd love to have photos of any and all important events and personalities, 
> and you know those as well as I do.  For instance:
> Swami Brahmananda
> MMY with Guru Dev
> MMY with Charlie Lutes (or Lutes separate)
> MMY with the Beatles
> MMY with Jerry Jarvis (or Jerry separate)
> Big European TTCs, like La Antilla and Majorca
> MMY on Merv
> Keith Wallace, first prez of MIU
> Headquarters in Switzerland
> National headquarters in LA
> photos of regional coordinators
> Domes at MIU
> Lillian Rosen?  Bullah Smith?
> People practicing the flying sutra
> These are some ideas that come readily to mind.
> Let me know what you can get,
> Dana

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