Very nice suggestion on your part.

Just OWS (Occupy the White Self) to fight the top 1% that is The Mad Yogi Inc.

Or prepare to be steam rolled by the meanest, most narcissistic, insane machine.

Thanks Barry.

On Dec 6, 2011, at 1:16 AM, turquoiseb <> wrote:

> --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 
> > Clean it up a bit or your outta here. I'm serious.
> Rick, I don't read his posts, including the one
> cited above, so I don't know what occasioned this.
> Nor do I care. I pegged the guy as what he is in
> his first days on this forum and have been reacting
> (or more accurately, not reacting) to him based 
> on that assessment ever since.
> I'm commenting because I think the problem is deeper
> than just one person suffering from classic mania 
> and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The deeper
> problem is low standards among other posters, and
> them not *recognizing* when they're dealing with a 
> seriously disturbed person.
> For their *own* personality-disordered reasons, what
> seems to happen is that a small group of people glom
> onto weak-minded disturbed people when they appear 
> here. They may seek an ally in their petty grudge 
> wars, or in supporting their claims to know "the 
> truth" about something, or they may just have such 
> low standards in writing that they consider the 
> crazies entertaining. Whatever.
> I guess all I'm suggesting is that posters should 
> probably think to themselves before writing, "Is
> the person I am about to respond to by either prais-
> ing them or ragging on them SANE?" If you suspect
> that the answer is no, step away from the keyboard
> and just leave them alone. It's kinder and more
> compassionate in the long run.
> The personality-disordered FEED on attention. Look
> at Willytex. Now look at what has evolved over the
> years as most people on the forum have learned to
> tactically ignore him. He's rarely a problem any 
> more; he just spouts his craziness and everyone 
> ignores it as if it were never posted. But part of 
> the reason for this is that NO ONE would want 
> Willytex as an "ally" in their petty grudge or 
> dogma wars. 
> But they *DO* want some of the other crazies as 
> their allies. And IMO the reason they want this is
> that when it comes to sanity, the "encourage the
> crazies" crowd are a few cans short of a full six-
> pack themselves. So they glom onto the crazies and 
> "cultivate" them, never thinking about what that 
> kind of attention DOES to someone who is already 
> borderline crazy, or worse. 
> I guess all I'm saying is that it's your playground,
> Rick. Do whatever you want with this particular 
> crazy. I don't think my little rap here is going to 
> affect either him or the other folks here who IMO 
> brought this situation about by *encouraging* him 
> along the way with their attention. I think that the 
> major "encourage the crazies" players are FAR too 
> locked into their own disturbed behavioral patterns 
> to be able to hear what I'm saying. I'm just comment-
> ing to state for the record that I think *THEY* are 
> as much to blame for Ravi's aberrant behavior as he is. 
> Interestingly, Willytex himself gave us the solution
> for dealing with this brand of craziness: "Don't feed
> it." Doing this *worked* on him. I'm just suggesting
> that it might work for the other crazies as well. If
> you think the way I do that many of these people 
> are delusional, do what a therapist (or even a truly 
> compassionate human being) would do and DON'T FEED 
> THEIR DELUSIONS. To do so is IMO bad karma for
> all concerned.

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