> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thank you for providing this information, Buck.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Y'know...just speaking to "Buck,"
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > But, that said, was there anything *in particular*
> > > > > > he said that resonated with you? You are often 
> > > > > > WAY too vague on this forum. Just as I'd like to
> > > > > > see King Tony deal with a real world audience for
> > > > > > once, I'd like to see you get real with us for 
> > > > > > once and tell us what still gets you off about 
> > > > > > the TM dogma.
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

Heck yes.  

> > > > But, that said, was there anything *in particular*
> > > > he said that resonated with you? 

Turqb, my interest in this is Utopian.
Fairfield is one of the best long-lived spiritual communal shows going.  This 
is extremely high-minded, spiritual, applied scientifically and
revolutionary at the same time.

Cut it anyway you want, Maharishi was
one of the large revolutionaries of the 
late 20th and early 21st Century.  Regardless.  Given
everything else going on I am rooting for
this.  It is all spiritually interesting and resonates that way.

I think you ought to quit that money grubbing job of yours at IBM and come back 
to your spiritual ways.  May be round some on the Invincible America Course and 
also get an advanced degree from MUM.  You know, do something with your life.  
Life is for the living, come back and do something with your life whilst you 
gots one.  Time ticks.  Come back to Fairfield and help with the numbers 
meditating here.  You are cultivated from before, we could use your help here 
now.  Just don't offer anything about your missing years sitting with saints 
when you apply for the domes at the course office.  

Like, European coffee is fine but coffee is great in Paradiso right here too.  
  Revelations in Fairfield could change your life too:   

-Buck in FF 

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