From: []
On Behalf Of maskedzebra
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:48 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Today is Barry Wright's Birthday



Oh, now I know what mood-making is. I imagined a grace that wasn't even
there-because Rick told me it was Barry's birthday. So I need not have gone
through that crucifixion of my pride; I could have just continued to hate
Barry's guts. Good. That feels better to have killed off the birthday
context and returned to the much more accustomed feeling: That Barry Wright
guy from Amsterdam: he no good. However, it was salutary to remind me: Yes,
Robin: even Barry Wright has birthdays. And I had better be prepared for it.
This was an excellent and necessary rehearsal. Please get it right next
time, Rick. And by the way, there is a pretty big (Western) birthday coming
up. Why is there some feeling of happiness, particularly right up until noon
on the 25th? How come we don't celebrate Krishna's birthday? Or that lovely
Mohammed guy? 

I don't know what the Muslims do, but Hindus make a big fuss over Krishna's
birthday. Consume tons of sugar.

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