I enjoy controversy and Hitchens was always a bruiser who enjoyed a good
scrap. And I wouldn't have liked to be on the receiving end of one of
his barbs. Eg: "If you give [Jerry] Falwell an enema you could bury him
in a matchbox".
When I came across his book God is not Great I enjoyed his skewering of
mainstream religion but was very disappointed with his off-hand
treatment of eastern faiths. The only relevant chapter (There Is No
"Eastern" Solution) was devoted to Rajneesh, ie the most
controversial guru of recent times! What about Buddhism, Vedanta, Taoism
. . ? So I found the following response to Hitchens' book by (former?)
Osho press officer Krishna Prem of interest:

I find it odd that of all the supporters of organized religions on the
vast Indian spiritual scene, you pick the one man who consistently
criticized the religions for the damage they have done – through
promoting blind belief, blind faith and generating blind fear – down
the ages. Osho's attacks on Mother Teresa of Calcutta (is that where
you got the idea for your book?) and her boss, whom he called "The
Polack Pope" are well documented. His series of talks in America so
often focused on the dangers of Christian fundamentalism that today they
seem prophetic. Among the last series of talks he gave in public, two
titles come to mind — Christianity, the Greatest Poison and Zen, the
Antidote to All Poisons – as well as a series illustrating where
Nietzsche and other atheists missed the boat, God is Dead: Now Zen is
the Only Living Truth.

To illustrate your premise that "there is no Eastern solution,"
why pick a mystic who, his entire life, through discourses and books,
tried to alert mankind to the fact, as you say, that "religion
poisons everything." And why pick one who left his body in 1990? Did
he have that big an impact on you, or was it because you couldn't be
bothered updating the "research" – and I use the term
facetiously – you pretend to have conducted 30 years ago?

Worth a look at the full text of the letter:

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