Much more eloquent than my simple "Whatever," while conveying the same

Sorry to hear about the virus thang. But it led to you creating and
posting the perfect metaphor for what it's like to deal with this shit,
so the virus may have been dharmic.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltablues@...> wrote:
> After spending over an hour responding to your responses last night I
was attacked by a virus which has now eaten up 3 hours of my morning. 
It is a pernacious bastard that uses popups to pretend it is an aniti
virus program that you must buy.  No matter how I attack it it comes
back.  I may now have it on the run, finally being able to run my
blocked malwarebytes program after renaming one of the virus files.
> I am now typing on my Ipad without any of what I wrote which may or
may not be preserved in Firefox when I get through with this ordeal. 
But I am going into this detail because I experienced an emotion of
frustration fighting this thing that keeps coming back in different
forms that I recognized.  It is how I feel in the endless defenses that
I am asked to mount for both you and Judy.  But unlike my situation with
my computer where quitting is not an option, with you guys I can and
will throw in the towel.  This quote from your post below pretty much
sums up how differently we are viewing our roles on FFL:
> "I find this an abdication of your moral responsibility, and if you
don't see
> this, then that is in itself an extraordinary indictment of you.
> I am still waiting to hear an argument that makes sense of this,
> There is no better summation that distills the 180 degree difference
in how we view our role in each other's life here. And I know that Judy
would heartily agree because in a thousand different forms she has said
basically the same thing to me many many many times.
> So here it is Robin.  You have made your case about my failings and
have expressed your outrage that I am this way. You have found others
who share your view  and perspective on my faults.  And what makes it
even more of a match, Judy ( among all the others who have your
perspective on me) actually has the same enthusiasm to write endlessly
about my lacks, taking each defense as an invitation to double down and
attack in a different way to get her point across.  So you two need to
discuss this topic together if you wish, but I am out.
> I am not going to give Barry the shit you seek. You may do that
yourself if you wish.  I am over the Bob thing for good.  I will treat
your posts as I do Judy's. If the topic interests me I will pursue it.
(My faults will be unlikely topics of interest to me but you can give it
a shot I even defend myself to Judy sometimes for a round or two before
I realize I am getting nowhere.)
> Your relationships with other people online don't interest me. Your
view that I am legislating reality does not either.  You are welcome to
type your fingers off about my failings and faults.  You and I do not
share the same values, you share Judy's.
> I was thinking about your challenge that I consider what I would tell
12th graders about our interaction.  I would tell them that if you are
on an internet forum and someone seems endlessly interested in
discussing your faults that you yourself did not invite and do not agree
with, you should stop interacting with that person.  They are looking
for someone to argue with and you can piss away hours of your life
defending yourself to someone who doesn't care about you.  I certainly
couldn't look the in the eye and justify the hours I have spent trying
to defend myself.
> So now we know the score about what values we share and what ones we
don't.  We'll just have to see if we share any common interests. By at
least you have found a kindred spirit in Judy and I look forward to
reading the posts that you will surely create in simpatico.

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